*OFFICIAL* Offseason Rumors, Signings, and Shenanigans


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2015
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Jewels to get a case of Squirt
Honestly? I think there is a segment of the population that decided to call things that weren't actually racist but other problems "institutional racism", not because its actually racism, but more for political reasons.

And I hate that because when politics gets involved, that means they are going to royally fuck up the solution by solving the wrong problems, because they almost always eventually believe their own bullshit, and conflated their pretend issue with the real issue, so they don't even know what's real any more - thus can't solve a real issue because of their flawed perception.

People need to stop politicizing everything and making everything about black vs white. Its an old tried and true tactic to keep us at each others throats while the politicians laugh their way to the bank fucking over both sides in the name of "diversity".
LOL, who the do you think is responsible for institutional racism? Mostly it's those same politicians and economic elites that you apparently hate and think are trying to divide 'us,' whoever that is. What exactly do think 'institutions' are?

And yes, there is institutional racism. Much of it is off the books, but it lingers in most aspects of society - homeownership, wealth, education, and the justice system among them.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2017
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While I agree with this, I would point out this is sort of the difference between institutional racism and individual racism. You are correct that nepotism is a huge issue in the NFL but because most of the decision makers are white that also means nepotism is going to favor white candidates. Over the breadth of an institution like the NFL, that is how you get institutional racism even if the individual decision makers were not intending to be racist. It is not the result of individual racists but the overall structure of the decision makers in the NFL means that over time minorities are disadvantage relative to the majority.

The other benefit of being part of the majority is as a minority candidate you will be forced to have to build relationships with the majority to survive in such a world and so even when nepotism kicks in, it is more likely that a minority candidate will have more majority relationships and hence the nepotism of the minority will still likely include a decent amount of the majority. By contrast you can be a member of the majority and not necessarily have to build a lot of minority relationships and still get thru life.

I think the other thing hidden just below the surface in your post is the types of minority candidates that appeal to the majority. You can be an asshole like Bellichek or even Josh McDaniels and continue to get opportunities. However, I think Flores is correct in that if you are too aggressive or have an edge as a black man, you get the Angry Black Man label. I can think of any number of white coaches who have asshole personalities but when you look around at the black guys that get opportunities Flores is in the minority. It is the soft spoken "nice negroes" to be frank like Art Shell, or Lovie Smith, or Jim Caldwell, or Mike Tomlin. There is still a huge level of discomfort when a black man is too abrasive or too confrontational or whatever you want to call it relative to white men. A black Bill Bellichek would rarely get a 2nd chance. He would have been labeled as too difficult to work with and passed over.
Let’s not compare McDaniels and Flores. Both were arrogant douchebags as HCs. But whereas McDaniels went back to the Pats and worked to earn another shot, Flores decided to burn the system down when it didn’t give him what he felt he deserved.

Flores and Harbaugh…that’s a good comparison.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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A couple of notes to help fill this stuff in - Bieniemy has been on HC interviews before (just not this cycle), and the word is that he interviews very poorly. I don't think he even put his name out there this hiring cycle. Its that simple for him.

With regards to your "Sounds like a great position to put a minority in correct? We need more minorities in OC positions if we expect them to get hired as HCs correct?" comment - I ask anyone to look at Lovie Smith from 2007-2009. He let go of or fired a bunch of coaches, and brought in a bunch of black college coaches who never coached in the NFL to give them a chance. To man, they all failed and the Bears really fell off in terms of how well-coached they were. Now, this had nothing to do with the color of the skin of the coaches Lovie brought in, but had everything to do with their qualifications. In the chase for the next hottest thing, people forget that experience matters in the NFL, and bringing in unqualified black coaches to positions where they are clearly over their head will have the reverse of the intended effect, and could ruin it for future black coaches who ARE qualified. Its why fixing the issue CANNOT be a quota thing.

I think if people are impatient with the time it takes for these processes, the NFL should institute a program for minorities that allows coaches (like the ones Lovie hired), to apprentice to an NFL team (and NFL footing the bill) as assistants to the positional coaches - this gets them into those coaching trees, and by being assistants and getting a chance to work with the team, it allows them to build relationships with the coaches on that team, and by "earning their spot", a team can then opt to hire one of those coaches when a positional coach position opens up. You can even incentivize it somehow, by making it so that hires coming out of that program grant an extra draft pick at the back of the 5th or 6th round.

This way, the better candidates can rise naturally, but there is also some encouragement for teams in the form of draft compensation to hire from this pool of talent.

Just an idea on how to accelerate the process.

Eric B interviewed with the Saints. Who are these coaches you are referring to? The biggest blunder in Lovie's tenure was promoting white Bob Babbich to OC.

Honestly? I think there is a segment of the population that decided to call things that weren't actually racist but other problems "institutional racism", not because its actually racism, but more for political reasons.

And I hate that because when politics gets involved, that means they are going to royally fuck up the solution by solving the wrong problems, because they almost always eventually believe their own bullshit, and conflated their pretend issue with the real issue, so they don't even know what's real any more - thus can't solve a real issue because of their flawed perception.

People need to stop politicizing everything and making everything about black vs white. Its an old tried and true tactic to keep us at each others throats while the politicians laugh their way to the bank fucking over both sides in the name of "diversity".

Perhaps in other instances but I think the term fits here. Especially when you had people getting upset that the Bears dared to include Tanesha Wade on the search committee.

Honestly? Kind of tired of the Kaep stuff. By the time he was out of the league, he had already started to suck for one or two years, I believe, even taking the rest of it out of it.

I do agree with the rest, and Warren Moon for sure was a trail blazer.

He had 16 Tds and 4 ints his last year. He is more than good enough to be a high end backup or a low end starter. There were not 32 QBs better than him.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Let’s not compare McDaniels and Flores. Both were arrogant douchebags as HCs. But whereas McDaniels went back to the Pats and worked to earn another shot, Flores decided to burn the system down when it didn’t give him what he felt he deserved.

Flores and Harbaugh…that’s a good comparison.

You mean the same McDaniels that upon getting a 2nd shot bailed on the Colts and actually left Eberflus hanging (Eberflus was hired for McDaniels staff)? This is his 3rd chance sir.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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For those wondering why some of these guys were hired.

Quarterbacks coach Andrew Janocko: Backup quarterback at Pittsburgh in 2010 when Getsy was a graduate assistant.

Offensive line coach Chris Morgan: Coached the offensive line in Washington and Atlanta with Matt LaFleur, who has been Getsy’s boss the past three seasons.

Running backs coach David Walker: Running backs coach for Pitt in 2010 with Janocko and Getsy.

Assistant tight ends coach Tim Zetts: Getsy’s backup quarterback at Akron, worked with him at their alma mater in 2008 and then at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2011, Mississippi State in 2018 and the Packers last season.

Offensive quality control coach Omar Young: Offensive quality control coach with the Packers in 2017, when Getsy was their wide receivers coach.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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I feel like this dude shoots the shit too. Who tf knows. Anyone reporting anything right now is full of shit

Here's the thing - he's full of shit too. The reason he's loved on this board is because he also posts here, AND because he shits on people like a lot of the trolls do.

He's playing the odds that Ridley doesn't come here and selling this bullshit.

Ask yourself a simple question:

All that torching of Brandon for claiming things about Adams that would be actual tampering (and rightfully so) -

Wouldn't ALL of that ALSO apply to Ridley?

So you have here Winman taking the other side of the coin, but no LESS tampering than what Brandon did, because as we got clarity on - PLAYERS ON OTHER CLUBS CANNOT TALK TO CLUBS THEY DON'T BELONG TO. For good OR ill.

So Winman LITERALLY just did what he roasted Brandon on.

THAT is how you know winman is a fraud (and I'm sure he'll "clarify" and come up with some pretzel logic excuse once he sees this or one of his troll buddies here report what I said to him).

Seriously - he just did what Brandon did. That's how you know he's a fraud.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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Reading is fundamental.

It was Remy who tried to say that I was saying that the Illini lied to Lovie when they fired him before the 6 year contract was over. This is one of Remy's little tricks. He argues over the slightest thing that might be inferred. If he continues losing, he just makes up shit.

Can you honest say everything you just said AFTER reading the 2nd paragraph that I wrote and you quoted?

Here it is so you don't have the excuse of not having the energy to go look for it.

Please tell me where, in that paragraph, I wrote anything about the Illini being forced to keep him for the length of the contract.

And by the way, it IS like a wedding vow. Have you ever heard of the word divorce?
Trust me. I can read. Face it. You believe a team lies to a coach if they sign him to a 5 year contract and fire him before it’s expired.

That’s nuts.


Godfather of FTO
Apr 4, 2011
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  1. Chicago Bears
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Here's the thing - he's full of shit too. The reason he's loved on this board is because he also posts here, AND because he shits on people like a lot of the trolls do.

He's playing the odds that Ridley doesn't come here and selling this bullshit.

Ask yourself a simple question:

All that torching of Brandon for claiming things about Adams that would be actual tampering (and rightfully so) -

Wouldn't ALL of that ALSO apply to Ridley?

So you have here Winman taking the other side of the coin, but no LESS tampering than what Brandon did, because as we got clarity on - PLAYERS ON OTHER CLUBS CANNOT TALK TO CLUBS THEY DON'T BELONG TO. For good OR ill.

So Winman LITERALLY just did what he roasted Brandon on.

THAT is how you know winman is a fraud (and I'm sure he'll "clarify" and come up with some pretzel logic excuse once he sees this or one of his troll buddies here report what I said to him).

Seriously - he just did what Brandon did. That's how you know he's a fraud.
I think the diff is he is saying mistreatment of Riley makes it a no for Calvin. No tampering or comments of Bears calling around.
