Maybe this is something for another thread, probably a healthcare thread, not political but the system itself, but I think if more money was spent on preventative care we'd see a lot of the backend problems go away. And not just getting people to work out, but education in the how and why. I've heard one of the main components to this is that people change insurances so much that the companies are reluctant to pay for their patients preventative care only to have them switch insurers and have all that money go to waste. Well, I would say it probably all evens out. I've had 3 different insurers in the last 2 years due to job changes. I think a lot of this comes down to the fact that people move jobs a lot more and so they are switching insurances more. I think if I was allowed to have the same insurance my whole life carried over, and instead of companies having to provide insurance, they would have to provide a certain level of reimbursement to the individual. Right now individual insurance is outrageous because it's so focused on companies. Can you imagine if the insurance companies didn't provide to companies anymore and they were focused on providing the best available insurance at an individual level? The power a consumer would get by saying, hey, you could have me for life if you provide the best service at the cheapest price. We'd cut the company out as the middle man. And we'd still have the option to jump ship at any time. It would be more like car insurance.