OT: Adrian Peterson suspended for 2014


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Aug 21, 2012
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In a letter to Peterson, Commissioner Roger Goodell said, "The timing of your potential reinstatement will be based on the results of the counseling and treatment program set forth in this decision. Under this two-step approach, the precise length of the suspension will depend on your actions. We are prepared to put in place a program that can help you to succeed, but no program can succeed without your genuine and continuing engagement. You must commit yourself to your counseling and rehabilitative effort, properly care for your children, and have no further violations of law or league policy."

In his letter, Commissioner Goodell identified several aggravating circumstances present in this case:

"First, the injury was inflicted on a child who was only four years old. The difference in size and strength between you and the child is significant, and your actions clearly caused physical injury to the child. While an adult may have a number of options when confronted with abuse – to flee, to fight back, or to seek help from law enforcement – none of those options is realistically available to a four-year old child. Further, the injury inflicted on your son includes the emotional and psychological trauma to a young child who suffers criminal physical abuse at the hands of his father.

"Second, the repetitive use of a switch in this instance is the functional equivalent of a weapon, particularly in the hands of someone with the strength of an accomplished professional athlete.

"Third, you have shown no meaningful remorse for your conduct. When indicted, you acknowledged what you did but said that you would not 'eliminate whooping my kids' and defended your conduct in numerous published text messages to the child's mother. You also said that you felt 'very confident with my actions because I know my intent.' These comments raise the serious concern that you do not fully appreciate the seriousness of your conduct, or even worse, that you may feel free to engage in similar conduct in the future."


That is a bit disturbing. apparently he still doesn't get it. Everyone likes him as a player, but if I had witnessed that I might be in prison. You hear contrition, but also stubbornness.


Dissed membered
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Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson refused to appear Friday at a scheduled disciplinary hearing with the NFL, a league official told ESPN.
Probably didn't help. The Players association is on his side in regards to this meeting but not showing up doesn't help his case if remorse and cooperation are what the league wants to see.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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What he did was wrong, but I have a problem with how the NFL is handling things. Ray Rice, POS that he is, was a first time offender that they gave a way too small 2 game suspension, only to change it based on the perception of the league after the video came out. And now, what is the precedent for this suspension of a player agreeing to a misdemeanor charge?

The NFL needs to set guidelines and adhere to them rather than punishing players based on how bad the PR surrounding the offense is. It makes them look even less concerned with the event and just with covering their own asses.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
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This is a passive aggressive fuck you to the whole hysteria over ray rice. Expect much more. Now that the media spent so much time and effort demanding punishment, he's gonna go full Special person and lay the hammer on anyone, accused of anything, and dare the press to complain.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
He is guilty of being a dumbfuck and a horrible human being, and he is clearly unfit as a parent.

The fact that he doesn't comprehend that he did something terrible is lost on him, which is the really scary part.

At least Mike Vick was "smart enough" to hide his true desires to kill more dogs. Dumber than Mike Vick is really, really dumb.


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May 6, 2010
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Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson refused to appear Friday at a scheduled disciplinary hearing with the NFL, a league official told ESPN.
Probably didn't help. The Players association is on his side in regards to this meeting but not showing up doesn't help his case if remorse and cooperation are what the league wants to see.

This is what you do when the decision to sue has already been made.

While using a tree branch to spank a child is abusive, it does not make him a child abuser. Do corporations suspend employees for this type of behavior?...the NFL has overstepped their authority. And as usual, the Peterson situation was handled poorly by an incompetent commish whose legacy is already defined by knee jerk reactions.

Foul Phil

CCS Thread Ender
Dec 23, 2013
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Let's not devalue Peterson's crime here. He was being indicted on child abuse charges. This means that the state found enough cause to arrest him for child endangerment and abuse. Peterson's lawyers did defend him and after seeing all evidence his lawyers suggested taking a plea deal. Lawyers don't make deals unless they know they are going to lose. Whatever evidence the State had must have been pretty damning not to mention terrible for AP public image.

Since AP has been on the exempt list he has been collecting his full game check every week. AP has not lost a single dime during any of this. The NFL had to make a decision before this Friday whether to reinstate him of suspend him. Under the new player conduct suspension rules it is a minimum of 6 games or in this case the rest of the season. What the NFLPA will argue is that this started prior to the new player conduct rules and which Goodell will say "OK, that's fine the suspension is still till end of season" because suspension length was still arbitrary then.

Foul Phil

CCS Thread Ender
Dec 23, 2013
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This is what you do when the decision to sue has already been made.

While using a tree branch to spank a child is abusive, it does not make him a child abuser. Do corporations suspend employees for this type of behavior?...the NFL has overstepped their authority. And as usual, the Peterson situation was handled poorly by an incompetent commish whose legacy is already defined by knee jerk reactions.

WOW. Does it matter what AP was using that caused his hit's to break skin and cause bleeding? No kid deserves that. Because it was done to you as a child doesn't make it right. Also I would hope that as a parent you can learn from the mistakes that your parents made raising you and becomes better parents than they were to you.

Also you have no idea how much for evidence they had against AP because the records have been seal thanks to the plea deal AP took.

The average job at your typical corporation does not put their employees in the eyes of the public so your argument fails at this point. But I will take this another step farther. You typical CEO is the face of the corporation and if he does something deemed inappropriate by the public he/she will be terminated almost immediately. Case in point the CEO of Mozilla was donating his own money, I believe it was $1000, to a anti-gay foundation. He claimed he didn't know they were anti-gay and guess what? He was terminated from the Company.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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This is what you do when the decision to sue has already been made.

While using a tree branch to spank a child is abusive, it does not make him a child abuser. Do corporations suspend employees for this type of behavior?...the NFL has overstepped their authority. And as usual, the Peterson situation was handled poorly by an incompetent commish whose legacy is already defined by knee jerk reactions.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Lurch moan)



Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm kind of confuzzled here. How does doing something admittedly abusive not make the perpetrator an abuser? Does raping someone not make a person a rapist? Murdering people doesn't make one a murderer? But abusing a child doesn't make someone a child abuser? What the fuck is going on around here?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I'm kind of confuzzled here. How does doing something admittedly abusive not make the perpetrator an abuser? Does raping someone not make a person a rapist? Murdering people doesn't make one a murderer? But abusing a child doesn't make someone a child abuser? What the fuck is going on around here?

IF AbusesChild AND IsFantasyGameChanger then NOT IsChildAbuser ELSE IsChildAbuser

Make sense?

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm kind of confuzzled here. How does doing something admittedly abusive not make the perpetrator an abuser? Does raping someone not make a person a rapist? Murdering people doesn't make one a murderer? But abusing a child doesn't make someone a child abuser? What the fuck is going on around here?

Not that Im defending AP, cause Im not

The term abuser is a relative one. There are many different acts that can or can not make a person a child abuser..To one person, wacking your kid across the butt with a stick isnt abuse. To another person it is. Its very subjective..

To some people hollaring at a child is abuse, to others it isnt

Rapist on the other hand is not subjective. It you have sexual intercourse without the consent of the other person, Its rape and you are a rapist

At least thats how I see it...

Hope that helps
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New member
May 6, 2010
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WOW. Does it matter what AP was using that caused his hit's to break skin and cause bleeding? No kid deserves that. Because it was done to you as a child doesn't make it right. Also I would hope that as a parent you can learn from the mistakes that your parents made raising you and becomes better parents than they were to you.

Also you have no idea how much for evidence they had against AP because the records have been seal thanks to the plea deal AP took.

The average job at your typical corporation does not put their employees in the eyes of the public so your argument fails at this point. But I will take this another step farther. You typical CEO is the face of the corporation and if he does something deemed inappropriate by the public he/she will be terminated almost immediately. Case in point the CEO of Mozilla was donating his own money, I believe it was $1000, to a anti-gay foundation. He claimed he didn't know they were anti-gay and guess what? He was terminated from the Company.

My issue w/this is Goodell took advantage of the afforded CBA language, and the fact there should be a committee not a sole individual making these decisions.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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My issue w/this is Goodell took advantage of the afforded CBA language, and the fact there should be a committee not a sole individual making these decisions.

Two issues:

1. Goodell and the NFL are completely fucked up.

2. Peterson is a fucked up psycho that beat a four year old child in the nuts with a stick. I would be happy to never see him play again.

Mr. Cub

2016 World Series Champs!
Dec 13, 2010
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Goodell is a piece of rat shit. He is fucking the league up horribly. They can't handle any controversy consistently at all and they go by public opinion way too much.
Also with the way they just make up new shit as they go along and can't stick to their own agreements. AD was to be let off the exempt list when his case was settled. Well, the case was settled and guess where AD still is? On the exempt list. Bullshit.

And to you fools who act like he grabbed the kids balls and beat them, you're stupid. He said it happened by accident when he was using the switch on his butt, but it wrapped around his leg and accidentally caught him in the area.
Now, I am not saying it was right how he did what he did, but at least know facts instead of spewing shit.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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It's alright, Peterson just accidently made his 4 year old sons balls bleed when he made his face, legs, ass, back, and chest bleed by beating him with a stick.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Goodell is a piece of rat shit. He is fucking the league up horribly. They can't handle any controversy consistently at all and they go by public opinion way too much.
Also with the way they just make up new shit as they go along and can't stick to their own agreements. AD was to be let off the exempt list when his case was settled. Well, the case was settled and guess where AD still is? On the exempt list. Bullshit.

And to you fools who act like he grabbed the kids balls and beat them, you're stupid. He said it happened by accident when he was using the switch on his butt, but it wrapped around his leg and accidentally caught him in the area.
Now, I am not saying it was right how he did what he did, but at least know facts instead of spewing shit.
The sniveling coward took a weapon to a defenseless 4 year old. It was no accident as this POS was known to beat his kids frequently before. I'm pissed at Goodell too cause I wanted him to just ban this low life scum for life. Adrian Peterson's soul is required in hell.
