The Bastardi family and their lawyers are some pretty bad people for trying to sue the family of the driver. The entire premise of their lawsuit is sick, especially considering the woman's brother called her, telling her to stop driving, and that he'd pick her up.
As for the driver, she's an alcoholic, and seems to be a pretty bad one if she's drinking vodka straight from the bottle. It's largely out of her control on whether she'd drink or not until she got the alcohol entirely out of her system. Not really anything that anyone could do to stop her from drinking, except to get her to check herself into detox, and she probably needed a rehab program after that too, in order to stop drinking.
It sounds like it was just the women and kids in the car. Sounds like she was doing something with the kids, and probably pulled over to a liquor store, and started chugging a good portion of the bottle. It doesn't sound like there was any adults from the family in a position to stop her from driving, so this lawsuit is especially sick.
These are some sick people in the Bastardi family that are behind the lawsuit.