Here's my Paul Stanley story;
I was working as a bartender at a woodfield restaurant when PS was signing his art or doing some signing at the art store there.
I went in that day to cover but the person actually showed up so I went there for nothing because nobody else wanted to give up their shift. So, I stuck around waiting to see PS.
Dude had like 8 security guards, you couldn't even go near the guy when he walked thru the mall. I give him credit he didn't use a back entrance, he walked thru the mall.
I grew up a kiss fan and when I saw him I was in shock, I just stood there. He looked at me, pointed his finger at me, then kept on walking. That was pretty much it.
I do know he was trying to sell his art and would only sign his art which he wanted thousands of dollars for, but to those people, he was pretty fucking cool to.
One guy was in tears over it and PS gave him something out of his murse, I remember seeing that much.