I will never understand the big deal with pho just get some beef broth mix in some anchovies from the pizza place and some soy sauce sauce packets, some ginger stir-fry sauce or some Asian salad dressing, honey and some hot sauce packets and just boil that until it's boiling, add in some ramen, dump all that into a bowl and then for freshness put some parsley or chives or whatever green stuff my mom has in the produce drawer, add in some jalapenos and some steakums or if you have it, some thin sliced fajita meat raw (the broth should be hot enough to get it to rare but not bloody on the outside) and wah-lah-tee-dah, you have pho, maybe not authentic like in a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, bit literally tastes about the same. Good stuff though I like it when I get bored of chili and mac n cheese.