If I like a player, I'm going to root for them. I will root for the Bulls first. I can't say that I'll pull for them no matter what, I do have my standards, although I am a very understanding man, and I also expect rough times.
I stopped rooting for the Cubs when the whole Himes-Boras fight unfolded some of the huge flaws in the organization. I stood by for another year, and it was clear to me that the Cubs FO did not care about winning anything, as long as the stands filled, and their wallets were lined. Hendry is a world of difference, and even though they still fall short, I can at least root for the Cubs again. TO me, that is one of a few travesties that can push me away from a team that I have supported for my entire life. I'm also an oddball, I support all my Chicago teams. White Sox and Cubs. My Parents were from Wrigleyville and I grew up within walking distance of Comiskey. I took a neutral stance, and I'm damn happy about it. Been watching both for 25+ years.