Pushy comcast customer service guy.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
While I believe comcast in saying they don't train their staff to be this overbearing(audio clip).  I fail to believe there isn't any negative consequence for having too many disconnects on your call log.   I am almost convinced the guy was trying to get them to hang up so they would call back and get a new rep for this very reason.  When I worked sales in my late teens, I was baiscally told if someone walks out of the store without buying something, you're a failure, but unforunately for them I wasn't getting paid enough to give a ****.  I imagine getting a disconnect call without convincing them to keep their service is the same thing.</p>


I have never had anyone this bad.  Whenever I cancel a service, I usually get asked why, then they offer me some temporary perk to keep me on, then when I say no thanks, thats the end of it.</p>

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I've had nothing but good experience with Comcast customer service reps and I've used their service for ten years.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Grimdust" data-cid="234757" data-time="1405458194">

I've had nothing but good experience with Comcast customer service reps and I've used their service for ten years.</p>


I agree I havent had anyone act even remotely close to this.  Maybe this guy was reaching his quota of disconnects before it affects his performance review or something.  I would find it hard to believe that disconnect calls don't reflect in a negative way on the rep.</p>


New member
May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
Great employee. He did his damnedest to keep the customer a customer. I doubt he get reprimanded. I thought he was a little rude, of course. One of my pet peeves is when someone interrupts me when I am talking and either explaining something or answering a question. What he did was the same thing any business would do. Call your cell provider and tell them you don't want their service. </p>


Now, let's see what happens when you call and have an issue that needs fixing. I bet it takes forever and is messed up one way or the other.</p>


Don't get me wrong....I don't have Comcast, and will do my level best never to use them. If Google ever gets into this area, I will look into them for internet service. </p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
In the retention department at Comcast, there are plenty of disconnects that take place.  The rep is paid commissions based upon how many 'saves' they have.  The metrics change all the time, but a majority of the calls will result in a disconnect and that is expected.  Unless this particular rep was right on the edge and this single account would have been the difference between $2000 commission for the month, or $1000 ...........there was no need to badger this customer.</p>


Usually the structure is set to where the highest payout is attained by a certain number or percentage of saves, and if you miss that number, by even 1, then your commission is reduced by 50% at the next level down.  If you don't make that secondary metric, then you are paid 0 commission for the month, and essentially were an hourly employee for that month.</p>


It is a tough business, but those that have a particular savvy do very well at the job.  This guy sucked in this encounter because the customer refused to give him a reason, so he had no retort other than to keep asking why.  You can't overcome an objection unless you know what that objection is, and spending over 8 minutes asking 'why, why why......' isn't getting him anywhere.</p>


Again, this one call could have meant the difference between 0%, 50%, or 100% Commission payout on the accounts saved during the previous 30 days, but none of us know the facts.  With that said, I stopped listening at the 4 minute mark because I couldn't take it any longer.  Sometimes you simply have to cut your loss and move on.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I am in the process of moving right now and have to choose a new cable/sat and internet provider... It makes me sick to my stomach because this is not just a comcast problem.</p>


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jaxhawksfan" data-cid="234816" data-time="1405612772">

In the retention department at Comcast, there are plenty of disconnects that take place.  The rep is paid commissions based upon how many 'saves' they have.  The metrics change all the time, but a majority of the calls will result in a disconnect and that is expected.  Unless this particular rep was right on the edge and this single account would have been the difference between $2000 commission for the month, or $1000 ...........there was no need to badger this customer.</p>


Usually the structure is set to where the highest payout is attained by a certain number or percentage of saves, and if you miss that number, by even 1, then your commission is reduced by 50% at the next level down.  If you don't make that secondary metric, then you are paid 0 commission for the month, and essentially were an hourly employee for that month.</p>


It is a tough business, but those that have a particular savvy do very well at the job.  This guy sucked in this encounter because the customer refused to give him a reason, so he had no retort other than to keep asking why.  You can't overcome an objection unless you know what that objection is, and spending over 8 minutes asking 'why, why why......' isn't getting him anywhere.</p>


Again, this one call could have meant the difference between 0%, 50%, or 100% Commission payout on the accounts saved during the previous 30 days, but none of us know the facts.  With that said, I stopped listening at the 4 minute mark because I couldn't take it any longer.  Sometimes you simply have to cut your loss and move on.</p>


In the article he said that he only started recording already 10 minutes into the call, where before  they had already given reasons why they were canceling and even after that he just kept asking over and over.  So that's why he kept saying "just disconnect us, let's just move on". That guy had incredible patience not to hang up on that asshole and just try to get someone else.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
Agreed.  I would not have been nearly as calm or patient.</p>
