Return of the Neckbeard?

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Grammer Po-Po
Apr 17, 2010
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It's looking more and more that Kyle Orton is going to be the odd man out in Denver with media/fans hype of Tebow. Broncos' brass has been impressed with Brady Quinn as well.

Would you want Kyle to be our backup? I mean he was decent as a backup and hopefully he'd never have to play since Cutler stays healthy.

It'd be a nice story but that's about it. I mean Orton was a popular guy in the locker room, so you wouldn't want to cause a rift between Cutler/Orton camps at Halas Hall. On top of that, Orton most likely couldn't control a Martz system.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
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Kyle will be Quinn's doubt in my mind. Kyle will be a FA next season...


Crow's Nest
Apr 16, 2010
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Behind you
He's not coming back. He'll likely start for the Broncos this season, as the only player who could start is Quinn, who sucks.


CCS Donator
Apr 16, 2010
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That's definitely an odd situation in Denver... very good offensive line and having 3 names at QB that many people have doubts about.

Tim Tebow - most people don't see this guy as NFL capable... too slow, bad mechanics, what-have-you. But he's obviously a winner and can lead. Plus he won me $20 for getting picked in the 1st round :)

Kyle Orton - we all know, as Bears fans, that this guy's upside isn't very high. He will never be a pro-bowl QB and some even say he's not good enough to start for a contending team. What you see is what you get with Orton...

the beard is weird, btw.

Brad Quinn - like Tebow, a college prodigy, and big name... I believe he was a high first-to-mid 1st round pick. He really didn't play well in Cleveland, but who can blame him with that system surrounding him?


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May 6, 2010
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It's looking more and more that Kyle Orton is going to be the odd man out in Denver with media/fans hype of Tebow. Broncos' brass has been impressed with Brady Quinn as well.

Would you want Kyle to be our backup? I mean he was decent as a backup and hopefully he'd never have to play since Cutler stays healthy.

It'd be a nice story but that's about it. I mean Orton was a popular guy in the locker room, so you wouldn't want to cause a rift between Cutler/Orton camps at Halas Hall. On top of that, Orton most likely couldn't control a Martz system.

Josh McD has many Bronco fans up in arms right now, he's an autocrat. I'd love to have Kyle back in town, came from the same coaching staff at Purdue that produced Drew Brees.


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May 8, 2010
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Very interesting question - he was a serviceable backup, but I don't see him leading anybody to the promised land. Cutler is cocky and has some swagger and can be a leader. Orton just has a neck beard. I have confidence in Hanie as our backup as well .. from what little we've seen of the guy, he seems serviceable as well.


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May 7, 2010
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Orton back in Chicago would just create more pressure for Cutler,with an impending qb controversy when Cutler has a 3 pick game and everyone is calling for his head.


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May 9, 2010
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Bad idea to bring Orton back. Fans never respected him and to back up the guy you were traded for would be tough for either guy.


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May 7, 2010
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You guys must be forgetting about what the man did in Chicago and in Denver. All he's done is win win win no matter what... Sure, he's had a D that would help out, But Chicago faithful wanted Rex to succeed so bad that Orton's legacy will be tied to that. He was a rookie thrown into the mix and accepted what came his way. He may very well be the inspiration for McDaniels and Co.'s ill advised first round pick. Tebow and Orton over came doubters and certain odds and became known as winners despite not really being respected for playing the position they've made their name in, and yet both of their history would suggest that they must do it better than most of the 'sexy' QB's. Most of the Kneck Beard's losses came in the latter half of Denver's rookie coaching collapse.
So I say bring his ass back kneck beard and all. Besides who's really going to call for Orton over Cutler on Cutler's worst day. But when he is called on and the Bears are 3 games away from clinching the Conference, we know Orton won't lose it for us. He flat out won some games in Denver last season and that shows some growth and leadership that Cutler could learn from him if he is not too igg-nit(ignorant) to understand that. And since Cutler is smart enough to reach out to other QB's that says something good to that whole notion. Which brings me back to the Neck beard. Why not. All he has done is win. No one expects him to be a Hall of Famer. If he can learn the different systems he's been in I'm sure he can learn Martz's and be more than serviceable when called upon, just like in times past. He only loses when he shaves the neck.


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
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Forest Park
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v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Chicago fans are too dumb to have Orton come back. One INT and people would be screaming for Orton to come in.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Loveland CO
Orton has said privately that he would never be interested in coming back to Chicago. And why would he, you have a fan base here that expects perfection from every player and an ownership the excepts mediocre as the standard for there coaching staff.


The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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Bad idea to bring Orton back. Fans never respected him and to back up the guy you were traded for would be tough for either guy.

I agree. For one thing Orton is going to stay with the Broncos. He might not be starting the 2nd half of the season, but he'll still be on the team.

And if you were Kyle would you want to play backup for a team that couldn't wait to get rid of you when Cutler became available, and sit on the bench behind the guy who took your starting job away?

I wouldn't want to do that, and neither does he.

Kyle wasn't a bad QB. He managed the game well and made smart decisions. But bringing him back to Chicago wouldn't benefit him and wouldn't benefit the Bears.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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You guys must be forgetting about what the man did in Chicago and in Denver. All he's done is win win win no matter what... Sure, he's had a D that would help out, But Chicago faithful wanted Rex to succeed so bad that Orton's legacy will be tied to that. He was a rookie thrown into the mix and accepted what came his way. He may very well be the inspiration for McDaniels and Co.'s ill advised first round pick. Tebow and Orton over came doubters and certain odds and became known as winners despite not really being respected for playing the position they've made their name in, and yet both of their history would suggest that they must do it better than most of the 'sexy' QB's. Most of the Kneck Beard's losses came in the latter half of Denver's rookie coaching collapse.
So I say bring his ass back kneck beard and all. Besides who's really going to call for Orton over Cutler on Cutler's worst day. But when he is called on and the Bears are 3 games away from clinching the Conference, we know Orton won't lose it for us. He flat out won some games in Denver last season and that shows some growth and leadership that Cutler could learn from him if he is not too igg-nit(ignorant) to understand that. And since Cutler is smart enough to reach out to other QB's that says something good to that whole notion. Which brings me back to the Neck beard. Why not. All he has done is win. No one expects him to be a Hall of Famer. If he can learn the different systems he's been in I'm sure he can learn Martz's and be more than serviceable when called upon, just like in times past. He only loses when he shaves the neck.

What the hell are you talking about? Kyle Orton is known as a "winner" because he benefited from having an unstoppable D playing for him in Chicago and another solid D in Denver, not to mention the "holy shit he got really lucky there" plays that went in his favor last season.

2005 Kyle Orton Stats (rank): 51.6 Comp% (33rd), 1869 Yds (28th), 3.5 INT% (25th), 5.1 Y/A (34th); 2005 Overall Defense Rank: 2nd

2008 Orton Stats (rank): 59.1 Comp% (25th), 2972 Yds (19th), 2.6 INT% (18th), 6.4 Y/A (24th) 2008 Overall Defense Rank: 21st

2009 Orton Stats (rank): 62.1 Comp% (14th), 3802 Yds (11th), 2.2 INT% (7th), 7.0 Y/A (16th); 2009 Overall Defense Rank: 7th

So really, 2009 was his only "average" season, and that's just looking at the bare-bones stats: Orton was atrocious at throwing the ball even in the medium range, and really benefited from miraculous plays made in his favor (to say nothing of the collapse he suffered in the last half of the season).

So I guess you could say (if you really want to stretch for it) that Kyle Orton is an average, AT BEST, QB in the NFL, but that's only if you cherry pick his successes and completely forget about his failures, because looking at his complete body of work he has shown himself to be a below-average NFL quarterback.

Oh, and those "sexy" QB's you referenced continually finished higher than Orton in the things you can reasonably expect a QB to be accountable for :rolleyes:


The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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Wow. I gotta say the first year Orton was a QB for the Broncos (2009), his stats were pretty good. So you're saying he sucks now because he sucked before he got good at what he does? It looks to me like he's a much better QB for Denver than he was for Chicago.

Which just reinforces the point that it would be foolish for him to come back to the Bears.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
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I don't think the brass would welcome Orton back - too much comp. for Cutler.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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Wow. I gotta say the first year Orton was a QB for the Broncos (2009), his stats were pretty good. So you're saying he sucks now because he sucked before he got good at what he does? It looks to me like he's a much better QB for Denver than he was for Chicago.

Which just reinforces the point that it would be foolish for him to come back to the Bears.

No, I'm saying that just looking at his 2009 stats (the bare-bones versions of which can be misleading both because they don't "tell the whole story" and because Orton benefited from more than his fair share of miraculous plays) and saying "he's now a good QB" is completely stupid, because it's ignoring everything else he has done in the past. I mean, hell, take away the TD's he had because of spectacularly fortunate plays in his favor (I counted 3-4), and he isn't too far from throwing as many INTs as TDs.

My overall point is this: Kyle Orton is not a good quarterback, and to just point to his (lucky) successes in 2009 and completely disregard the 30-or-so other games of complete crap he has had throughout his career is equally stupid.
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