NoLifeJimmy 1:23pm via Twitter for iPhone
@Cubs #AskRizzo are you and darwin barney close? You guys are like my idols, and you guys play great! #gocubsgo
AR: Darwin and I are very close. It’s been amazing playing alongside him this season. #AskRizzo
meharlin 1:27pm via Twitter for iPhone
@Cubs When you came up to Chicago was there a particular teammate that really made you feel like you were a part of the family? #AskRizzo
AR: All the guys were really great when I joined the team, but if I had to point to one guy, I’d say Reed Johnson. #AskRizzo
Of course it was Reed Johnson
Who_Dey 1:29pm via TweetCaster for Android
@Cubs #AskRizzo what has been your best baseball moment so far?
AR: The walk off HR against the Cardinals was memorable because it was my first ever walk off at any level. #AskRizzo
kmoran18 1:38pm via Twitter for iPhone
@Cubs what is your favorite part about playing in Wrigley Field? #AskRizzo
AR: My favorite part about playing in Wrigley Field is the energy the fans bring everyday. #AskRizzo
canned response, but understandable.
h2obossrady 12:01pm via Twitter for iPhone
#AskRizzo what are your plans for the offseason?
AR: This offseason I’m going to take a little time off to relax and then start training for next season by end of October. #AskRizzo
AlexBerngard 1:41pm via Web
@Cubs How much wood does a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? #AskRizzo
AR: You’re going to have to ask Travis or Kerry. #AskRizzo