My family is pretty boring for the most part, other than a few family history tidbits, can't really think of much that would be that interesting.
My dads side: My last name, has been in America since the 1600s. They landed in New York before migrating to the Kentucky in the 1700s. Furthest west they went was Missouri, which they fled back to Illinois when the Civil War broke out.
My dads mother, they're Irish and came to America in the early 1800s. Several of them fought in the Civil War. My Great-great-great Grandfather was captured by Confederate soldiers but he and a few others escaped a prison camp and managed to find a way back to Illinois
My moms side; her fathers side is from Germany, they came here in the 1850's and have lived in southern Illinois pretty much the entire time. Her mothers side if from England and Sweden.
Don't seem to be related to anyone famous, atleast I have yet to find anyone.