That's probably about all you'd get for them, too ( well actually honey roasting might be gravy- I would have figured raw, and non-organic
. ) ... in terms of what either would mean to a team looking to shore up for a playoff run. But I suppose if it is the Hawks doing the shoring up -then maybe they might be able to go.
What I don't get, seriously, is guys complaining about the team's top 6 forwards when if you look at the depth chart on D --- then within 12 months you;ll be bemoaning the lack of depth on defense (which if anyone has paid attention to -isn't exactly deep either ... Jassen Cullimore playing this season anyone? )... Nick Boynton as a top 5 guy? And Hjallmarsson's being over-rated and not developing at all this season... plus playing a 19 year old who doesn't appear to be able to buy an assist.
So the answer is deal your legitimate number 2 having a career season?
I doubt that is the problem really; it seems like the Defense is just plain too shallow this season and if you gut it any more, you will not be seeing much change in the results unless they go even further downhill.
Personally, aside from loving the unsubstantiated rumours,
I could buy that it is playing hard ball with Seabrook's agent trying to get an extension done now. However, if I were Seabrook, I would be in it for the money - so Stan is in a bit of a spot I bet.