Perhaps it has other healing properties for all people. We eat so many female eggs, why can't the world get with the times and sell semen in the dairy case alongside eggs. The sperm council will make GOT SPUNK? ads that will be whizz by on buses and air during Saturday morning cartoons.
The comment section is predictably "funny."
William Doty •
9 hours ago
My wife didn't believe it at first. But after a few months she couldn't do without it. She also uses it as an appetite suppressant, for headaches, PMS and menstrual cramping, moodiness, an OCD medication for sexual addiction, gambling, smoking, drug/alcohol abuse,shopping and talking on the phone/texting, anti-depression and anti-anxiety relief, a topping for chocolate ice cream and a topical skin ointment. It has always been nature's cure all for women and their best source of protein. Try some today!