The art of scamming without scamming


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
The Auction casino.

I was looking up online scams (I enjoy looking at ingenious ways to swindel people out of money, and it keeps you in the know) and found (dont even bother going there, unless you want to feel dirty).

I thought what they do was rather novel.

basically they advertize by being able to win auctions for ridiculously low prices. Like a 2010 Honda Civic for a 1000 dollars, or 2000 dollar computer for a hundred bucks, or an XBOX for 20 bucks (they actually arent lying at all).

Basically what you do is BUY bidding points (no idea how much they actually cost I think each bid point is worth around 50 cents(considering to open an account there they want to force you to buy 300 bids for 150 or so bucks)). The website provides all the products (considering what ive read the delivery times are, they probably wait until they have made their money then purchase the product themselves then send it to you).

this is where they make their money, its like gambling to win an auction, or buying alot of raffle tickets to increase your odds of winning a raffle.

If you lose the auction, you dont get those bidding points back, i.e. say someone won a laptop for 100 dollars worth of bidding points, but you only bid 99 dollars worth. that money is gone. Its what keeps the prices generally low, and makes the company money.

a scenario:

latop worth a grand sells for 200 dollars, but there were 20 bidders in total that bid close to that amount in bids (heres where the gambling kicks in, when someone bids, do they want to just throw away money? no they want to keep bidding so they didnt just waste money) so the company could end up making around 4000 dollars for a 1000 dollar laptop (their profit margin is most likely far more ridiculous than that, I saw an example online where a canon camera worth 700 retail, had over 13,000 bids, but sold for like 200 bucks) each time someone bids, for the auction company, they are just raking in dough.

Now in my opinion there is nothing illegitimate or illegal about this. in fact I think its a genius gambling idea(without calling it gambling). if everything you bid on you want and CAN afford the retail cost (and were going to pay the retail cost otherwise) you can probably win every single auction you enter and it could be your personal discount store. Most people that are looking for these bargain bin prices though probably cant afford the retail cost (maybe cant even afford a fraction of it)and are likely to be hosed.

Here is where they hit scam territory. While this hasnt been substantiated, its something that would be difficult for someone outside the company to know. It is believed that they have bid bots on the site, they will bid on items that wont end up being lucrative to them (i.e. a piece of software that scans current auctions and when an auction is about to end they wont turn a profit on, they bid on it in an attempt to generate more bids. So in the end they cant lose period, at worst if they win their own auction they keep the item, and all the money the bidders lost from bidding.

Its possible they do this, I dont know why they would though, even a casino loses sometimes but will always win in the long run. If they ever got investigated and something like that was found they would be fucked beyond all recognition.


New member
May 14, 2010
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I work with someone that goes to a site like that. I'm not sure if it is the same one or not, but the principle is the same.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Is the company based offshore or are they subject to investigation?


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
[quote name="Tater"]Is the company based offshore or are they subject to investigation?[/quote]

HA! excellent question, their Canadian and American Merchant sites were shut down by VISA.

Currently they are operating out of the UK.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
[quote name="bri"]I work with someone that goes to a site like that. I'm not sure if it is the same one or not, but the principle is the same.[/quote]

Provided they dont actually, "fluff" their own auctions with insider bidders. I see absolutely nothing wrong with what they do.

I don't pity people that are irate when the auction basically turns out to be a blackjack table.

All the peopel see is 62 inch flatscreen $100 dollars, pay the admission fee jump in and are like wait, if I dont win the auction I lose the money i bid?

One of three things happen, they have the capital to out bet everyone and still get stuff on the cheap and love it. They become furious when they learn the mechanics of the site, and want a refund for their sign up fee and are denied becuase it says no refunds for the sign up fee. Or use the site for awhile and never win anything but spent hundreds or thousands of dollars and rail it as a scam.

What happens in a casino, if you dont win you lose, and all the investment trying to win.

If you have money, in games like poker, you can beat people simply by outbetting people in a lower tax bracket, causing them to fold and lose all money invested to that point and you have people that never ever win and waste countless dollars for nothing.

yet nobody is running to the FBI, FTC, BBB, Texas Rangers, Delta Force and the rest of the big fuckin army in the desert on them.

The only thing in my mind that potentially makes it a scam is the precieved possibility of auction tampering. Until thats proven this is about as illegal as any online gambling site.

Ive been reading alot about this site on blogs and so fourth, and people go on and on about how they are misleading bla bla bla.

Every time you watch a commercial it is them lying to you without lying to you or leading you to the conclusion they want you to come to without incriminating themselves. How is the side effects being read at the speed of light or printed in unreadable text at the bottom of the screen for a drug/food whatever any less misleading. Or the word "virtually" that is "virually" used in any commercial. "Vitrually cleans up any mess, viturally does all of this or virtually does all of that virtually 100%" people dont stop to think what "virtually" means. That word is subject to a hell of alot of interpretation and gives advertizers alot of wiggle room. They can claim, to them virtually 100% is 30% and cant be accused of lying.

People just rush into things without thinking about them way too often and dont want to think its their fault. Anything you have to pay for like that you should look into first. If something seems too good to be true it often is.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Apparently this is a scam. The site is run by "Justthinkmedia" run by a 23 year old Jesse Willms, who has apparently already amassed a scam empire with teeth whitening "free trials" (they actually charge you for) diet supplements etc etc.

He started his nefarious career selling cheap Microsoft/symantec products which were actually pirated/burned, he was subsequently sued by microsoft and symantec. The guy is miraculously still in Business, been sued by Rachel Ray and Oprah for claiming they endorsed his websites, he just keeps on truckin.

This guy must have swindeled alot of money out of people, to get sued by the limitless wallets of microsoft and oprah and not be ruined.

Also, it appears some of his associates Nolan Paquette and David Cornish have attempted to distance themselves from Jesse. On a web forum exposing just think media and its ringleaders as scammers actually had a post or two from Nolan Paquette claiming he was simply an "office clerk"

nolan p says:

July 15, 2009 at 4:49 am

I worked for JustThink Media for a short while but simply as an office hand. I did not know the level of complaints or what their marketing tactics were. I’ve since left and haven’t had any association for months now. Please remove any reference to me immediately, or I will take legal action for slander.

Larry says:

July 22, 2009 at 9:14 pm

Nolan – if you “worked for JustThink Media for a short while but simply as an office hand” then why are you listed on Linkedin as :

Head of Marketing/Relations

And on ... _news=past

as the CEO!

nolan p says:

July 23, 2009 at 6:31 pm

When traveling to various conferences I would represent the company as something more substantial than I was in order to create a better rapport with CEO’s of other companies. Again, just an office hand. My main task was making sure the printer had ink. And that the employees’ chairs were of an appropriate height as to avoid any kind of chronic carpal tunnel syndrome from slowing their productivity. Mark A. can back that up.



A company that lets an office clerk represent it as CEO?COOOOOMMMEEE OOOONNNN.

Apparently Jesse Willms, Mark A. David Cornish, and Nolan Paquette all went to highschool together, and now the latter are trying to use the money they helped plunder to set up a legitimate business ( a marketing firm) and distance themselves from Willms claiming to have only known him in passing and pretended to have had menial jobs at justthinkmedia(despite official correspondence identifying them as CEO, director of this director of that, and appearing at company functions representing the company as such) now claim they were really just file clerks.

Man I have too much time on my hands, but you could write a fucking international espionage story about these kids. Ive been having a blast reading about this drama, and this willms guy's cronies going to every internet watchdog in existence trying to clear their names so their new business doesnt get run into the ground.

Gotta admit it takes some balls, drive and a remote amount of intelligence to take scam artistry to such and epic level by the age of 22-23 and not be in jail yet.

These are some of Canada's finest citizens, got some fine representatives there TCD!

This dude sure does pimp his charities.

Steal from the poor give a few scraps back to the poor I guess. He also posts a bunch of other blogs about internet ethics, and how deceptive advertizing is bad and you should do business honestly. A guy with a shady history like that, this is a riot.

Heres an internet expose by a canadian news agency on him. ... an_100320/
