On it!</p>
The guys in my department are great.</p>
But the kid that works under me, Erik, has a tendency to bullshit too much and not work enough, but he is getting better.</p>
He does really good work but one thing pisses me off about him.</p>
He is too friendly with this lowlife lazy motherfucker from a different department. This fucking guy, lowlife Matt I will call him, has been at this place longer than I have and has gotten moved around to many different jobs. Not because he's versatile, but because his uppers get tired of hearing him blab and use any excuse to do anything but actually fucking work. He is on his third "last chance" now I believe. </p>
For one, I don't want lowlife Matt in my part of the shop. I am a real asshole to him to discourage visits with Erik.</p>
I can't tell Erik who he can or can't hang with or talk to in an official sense, but I have told him again and again.</p>
"Don't hang with Matt, don't talk to Matt. He is a stupid, lazy ****. You outclass him by miles and hanging with him just makes you look bad. You should feel nothing but contempt for a jackwagon like that."</p>
Erik doesn't see a stupid, useless twit when he looks at lowlife Matt.</p>
He sees a guy that has done little more than **** off and bullshit for YEARS and still has a job.</p>
That encourages him to do the same and I have to do my best to break this shit up so Erik can keep his job and not have his bosses pissed at him so often.</p>
And a while back, near end of the shift, lowlife Matt happened to be working near where Erik and I were trying like hell to nearly finish a really hot job by the end of the week so my 2nd shift kid, Derek, could finish up on his shift. My boss called Erik and I over and said something or other, then said, "Derek better not call in tonight and **** us."</p>
As Erik and I were passing by lowlife Matt on the way to DO SOME FUCKING WORK, lowlife Matt asked Erik, "What did he say about Derek?"</p>
Erik almost stopped to answer but I was behind him and nudged him along and said we had shit to do. Then I told lowlife Matt that what was said to me and Erik, by our boss, was none of his business, he isn't qualified to carry Derek's jock, and to stop bothering people that actually do shit.</p>
**** lowlife Matt.</p>
Erik has skills, Derek has really good skills. They both have knowledge.</p>
Shit, I am a badass at what I do and Derek impressed me from the start. Younger version of myself, maybe even a bit more knowledge than I had at his point. I fought like hell to get him rehired when he got out of jail. The 8 weeks without him sucked!</p>
I want those guys to be arrogant, condescending pricks to no skill, no nothing, fucksticks like lowlife Matt as well as some others. And at least to half of the welders.</p>
Being an asshole isn't really in my job description, but it sure makes my job easier!</p>