That's because he had a conscience and he still remembered what the rest of the 'founding fathers' really wanted. Which was to stand on their own and not live on debt. Hamilton wanted a banking system that was built around debt and the value of debt. Hence the 'borrowing' of money from France to fight the revolution, but more importantly how he convinced them to give the loan. Hence, also the first BUS (Bank of the United States) with all of its misguided principles.
Had this guy's perverted sense of wealth not influenced the future of our country our congress may not be 'okay' with the 14 trillion dollars of debt we have now amassed. But, the sad reality is that they are okay with it because debt is capital on any accounting ledger in the world and capital means wealth.
Money makes the world go round and if you know how to make money work for you then..."Those who have the money make the rules and those who make the rules make the most money."