They really should just send her a bullet with written instructions, "Thank you for your concern and your 40 page letter, we have decided to pay you in a form of lead. Take said item and slam into your forehead at a velocity roughly around the speed of sound for optimal effect."
In fact I wouldnt be surprised if DCFS starts investigating her, she obviously is unstable.
Its funny, Ive been slapped by a teacher before(a nun), for something that really was stupid, I refused to eat the goddamn host, when we went to chruch one morning in catholic school. i didn't even think to tell my mom about it and she probably wouldnt have cared anyway.
Now I personally don't believe a teacher has any right to hit my kid, but would understand, if I felt the situation warranted it. i.e. "horseplay" doesn't warrant a slap in my book and I would be pissed off myself. Thing is I have a hard time believing thats all it was, if this kid ever even got slapped.
So either, he was doing something worse, or he was never slapped and lied to his mom. i.e. if my kid (I dont have one, but if i did), called his teacher a ***** or something to her face, and she slapped him, I wouldnt be writing a 40 page reparation demand, the runt would get another smack across the face from me.
Im just guessing here, but I think this womans anger has more to do with the teacher being white than anything else.