The Hypocrisy Needs to End.

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Sep 13, 2010
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Carol Stream
Before the season started we had numerous threads on what we expected from the Bears this season and the overwhelming majority had said the playoffs were out of the question. Now there were a few optimistic people, maybe three posters, who fully expected the Bears to be a playoff caliber team. Now the forums are filled with posts asking why we did not get any respect from annalists before the season and now claim they knew the Bears would start the season 3-0. Hell even now those same fans who predicted a sub .500 season are now talking about an NFC Title and Superbowl appearance. I admit I thought the Bears would be around a 7 win team this season and thus far I have been proven dead wrong. Can the hypocrisy please just stop?


Active member
Sep 14, 2010
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Hey, I'll freely admit, I was one of the people who was down on this team going into the season. Fire up the deep fryers and serve me up some crow, I'm not too proud to admit I was wrong. I don't whine about respect from the national media, though. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the national media. It's not like the NFL is the BCS, where people have to be impressed with you in order for you to get a shot at the championship. I'm just gonna enjoy this ride for as long as it lasts.


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Mar 13, 2009
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It'd be awfully silly to say before the season you expected sub .500, and now criticize analysts for saying the same thing.

I didn't post it here, but I figured it'd be a 9-7 or 10-6 type of team. Honestly, the Bears are lucky to have won each of their games in reality to date, and I think they could just as easily be 0-3. They won the Lions game based on a fluke, they won the Packers game thanks to a gazillion penalties, and they won the Dallas game solely due to the Dallas turnovers (but Dallas was driving up and down the field at will when not making mistakes).

I'm psyched for the Bears to be 3-0 at this point, but I think they've been awfully lucky to get there, and I think by winning a couple games that maybe they shouldn't I'll put them on my 10-6 side rather than my 9-7 side, but I'd still bet against them to win the division.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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I was down on this season...7-9 was my prediction. Do I think we'll be a playoff team now? Yes. But alot still needs to happen.


The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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Hey, I'll freely admit, I was one of the people who was down on this team going into the season. Fire up the deep fryers and serve me up some crow, I'm not too proud to admit I was wrong. I don't whine about respect from the national media, though. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the national media. It's not like the NFL is the BCS, where people have to be impressed with you in order for you to get a shot at the championship. I'm just gonna enjoy this ride for as long as it lasts.

The National media is still convinced that the Bears aren't that good. Who cares? I have one definition of a good team: A good team is a team that consistently wins games by outscoring it's opponents, The Bears are the only NFC team that has done that in 100% of their games this year. By that definition, they are the best team in the NFC.

Let the doubters continue to tell us how lucky the Bears are to be 3-0 and why they should have lost each game. This team feeds off of being the underdog. They will have their revenge in January!:bow::bearbang::beerbang:


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Apr 19, 2010
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Before the season started we had numerous threads on what we expected from the Bears this season and the overwhelming majority had said the playoffs were out of the question. Now there were a few optimistic people, maybe three posters, who fully expected the Bears to be a playoff caliber team. Now the forums are filled with posts asking why we did not get any respect from annalists before the season and now claim they knew the Bears would start the season 3-0. Hell even now those same fans who predicted a sub .500 season are now talking about an NFC Title and Superbowl appearance. I admit I thought the Bears would be around a 7 win team this season and thus far I have been proven dead wrong. Can the hypocrisy please just stop?

Well, what do you want to happen, what would make the hypocrisy cease or come down to acceptable levels in your eyes?

I'll say this: while the Bears are 3-0, they have gotten to that mark in gloriously confusing fashion. The offensive line is just as everyone had expected: bad, and Cutler is routinely getting popped in the mouth. The defense has definitely stretched the "bend but don't break" mantra to its fullest potential, as they are getting torched downfield but somehow manage to either stop their opponents or get lucky enough to have them commit a mistake.

So yeah, this team is 3-0, which not a lot of [reasonable] people expected, but a lot of the micro-level facets of the game are matching up nicely with what these "hypocrites" foretold: bad blocking, bad pass defense, little pressure on opposing QB, wide receivers making mistakes, etc. I think it's safe to say that a lot of things had to fall into place (things that are outside the team's control) for them to be where they are now, and I have no idea where they're going, because they've demonstrated that even a correct evaluation of the team's talent and abilities doesn't mean much when it comes to the macro-level wins.


Sep 13, 2010
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Carol Stream
Well, what do you want to happen, what would make the hypocrisy cease or come down to acceptable levels in your eyes?

I'll say this: while the Bears are 3-0, they have gotten to that mark in gloriously confusing fashion. The offensive line is just as everyone had expected: bad, and Cutler is routinely getting popped in the mouth. The defense has definitely stretched the "bend but don't break" mantra to its fullest potential, as they are getting torched downfield but somehow manage to either stop their opponents or get lucky enough to have them commit a mistake.

So yeah, this team is 3-0, which not a lot of [reasonable] people expected, but a lot of the micro-level facets of the game are matching up nicely with what these "hypocrites" foretold: bad blocking, bad pass defense, little pressure on opposing QB, wide receivers making mistakes, etc. I think it's safe to say that a lot of things had to fall into place (things that are outside the team's control) for them to be where they are now, and I have no idea where they're going, because they've demonstrated that even a correct evaluation of the team's talent and abilities doesn't mean much when it comes to the macro-level wins.

You misread my post completely. I am not on the bandwagon with people claiming we are the best team in the NFC and I agree there is a lot to be desired from this team if they want to win the division. This thread has nothing to do with the Bears on the field it was made because I am sick and fucking tired of hearing people say shit like "Yea well the Bears are the best in the division and we are the best in the NFC and I knew we would be this good," when these same people said "we would be lucky to get 9 wins this season." On top of that they turn around and rip apart NFL annalists opinions on the team pre-season when they were saying the same shit.


CCS Donator
Apr 16, 2010
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Bears will go undefeated... just as I predicted.

And the Packers will go 2-14.

And the Lions 0-16.

(Vikings: 7-9)



Fuck it, Go Deep
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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
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North Carolina
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Rami, Vikings will go 0-16 too.


That weird bear thing.
May 6, 2010
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peoria/ chicago, il
Honestly, not even saying this being a Packers fan, but if you would have told me a month ago while watching the Bears preseason, that they'd be 3-0 and beat the Packers, I would have done a spit take. And laughed at you. They had no O-line, Cutler looked shaky, etc. I honestly believed they'd finish at or a game or so under .500.

I've had to eat my words. Granted, the Packers did play like shit with all the penalties, dropped balls, and turnovers, but they Bears came out and simply out played them. That's really all there is to it.

Will the Bears win the division? I don't think so, well, I hope they don't. But, I do think they are going to contend, especially after going 3-0 to start the season, but possibly/ probably making the wild card?


Fuck it, Go Deep
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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
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North Carolina
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Carolina Hurricanes
  1. Duke Blue Devils
I am always optimistic about the Bears but it was looking pretty damn bad coming into the season. How we managed to get to 3-0, I don't know.


The Boss
Apr 28, 2010
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I said 7-9 if the line doesn't hold up & 10-6 to 12-4 if it does. Now w/ Martz, adjustments take apparent.


When one letter is enough
CCS Hall of Fame '20
May 12, 2010
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I had the Bears at over .500 before the season started.


I ain't your pal dickface
Mar 30, 2009
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Please tell me I'm not the only Bears fan on here who remembers we started last season 3-1. So everyone temper that Super Bowl enthusiasm. I put us at 10-6 if everything went right, 6-10 if bad. That said, I think some people are underselling the team a bit. Did we win on a technicality in Week 1? Yes, but its not like the Lions were outplaying us the entire game. Did the Cowboys play bad in Week 2? Yes. However, we completely stopped their run game, making them a 1-dimensional team, & got the takeways when necessary. Now on to Week 3. Did the Pack blow the game on penalties? Yes. 18 penalties is not going to get you a W in most cases. However, 7 of those penalties were for holding, as they tried anything to stop Peppers from taking Rodgers head off. We have the 5th best passing game in the NFL despite having probably the worst O-line in the NFC. That speaks to the genius of Martz & the excellent talent of Cutler. We have the best rush defense in the league, a testament to the talented Front 7. Counter that with us being 29th in rushing yds & 28th in opponents passing yards. It's clear where the improvement needs to come from but despite everything we are 3-0. I'll take it.

I'm trying to take the good with the bad. Does this remind me of 2006? A little bit sure. In a game of inches, it's often the little things that carry the greatest impact. So far it's all coming up in our favor & I'll enjoy this as long as it lasts. My only fear is us doing really well this year & Lovie ending up getting a new contract. Good Lord I pray that does not happen.
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Uncle Meatball

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Sep 15, 2010
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Please tell me I'm not the only Bears fan on here who remembers we started last season 3-1.
Get your Bears Kool Aid on... It is like crack, you cannot stop it you can only hope to contain it.


I am happy we are winning and I am enjoying it... just not drunk :)


That's What She Said
Apr 18, 2010
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Scranton, PA
I still think the Bears will finish 7-9. I'll eat my crow at the end of the season. I am glad they are winning though.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Does this remind me of 2006? A little bit sure. In a game of inches, it's often the little things that carry the greatest impact. So far it's all coming up in our favor & I'll enjoy this as long as it lasts. My only fear is us doing really well this year & Lovie ending up getting a new contract. Good Lord I pray that does not happen.

In 2006 we came out hot on both ends of the ball..The defense COMPLETELY dominated and the offense put up points like no other for 5 of the first 7 weeks (Offense wasnt that good in Week 3 vs Min and was non-existent against Arizona). The defense was very dominating though through those first 7 games.

This defense isnt dominating, but is getting the job done. The offense isnt what the 2006 offense was, because well...our OL was much better in 06 than it is now. That 06 team could run when we wanted to, we cant.

So I cant really say this reminds me of 2006...I'm not sure what year it really reminds me of. Perhaps 2001 comes the closest, though our QB play is better than it ever was that year (For obvious reasons).


Jun 4, 2010
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windy city
how about no?..

lol srsly, I can honestly say I was optimistic about the team, wasn't sure about playoffs though, you have to say it was hard to make a prediction because of all the new personnel in.. you never know how those work out, and so far so good :D
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