The message of The Big Lebowski


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I just recently lent out my copy of The Big Lebowski to someone who hasnt seen it.
When I handed the movie to her, I told her to watch it when she could dedicate her full attention to it, and see what she thought the message was, and how the characters fit in.

She returned it after watching it 3 times, and said She loved the flick... She of course thought it was an american commentary.
I agree, but also enjoy the thought that there is what seems like a second commentary in there (one that Aussie might appreciate in light of his feminist agenda rants)... The neutering of Males.

On the surface, You have a movie that opens with Bush the Elder talking about the opening of the Iraq war (version 1.0).
A foreigner comes and pisses on The Dudes rug. (the one that ties the room together= kuwait, which we wanted to protect as something that tied the middle east together)
The Dude, (no name, standing as the everyman) thinks it sucks, but isn't going to make a big deal about it.
Walter(the chickenhawk) repeatedly pounds the drum of retaliation, drawing a parallel of the rug incidents to the vietnam war, spreading propaganda in order to anger the dude in to action (bonus points for having the chickenhawk being blindly led by his ex wife- the Jews, who are never present but rule the actions of Walter. Despite knowing full well he is being used, he still bows to his ex wifes influence in hopes of getting a scrap of attention).

Bottom line, they are embroiled in a senseless quest to replace the rug. The losses outweigh the eventual replacement of the rug.
The car is ruined, people are beaten up, Donnie (the silent masses that try to think things through logically but gets shouted down) winds up paying the price and dying... and that death is thrown in to the face of the dude literally when the ashes are released... covering the dude head to toe. (bonus points for showing the cheap disregard of the chickenhawk- unwilling to put donnie in an urn, instead opting for a coffee can and following it up with a shitty ceremony)
The ending is as close to a happy ending as you can get- Everyone says "**** it, lets go bowling", going about their lives with nothing gained and much lost. (bonus points for the narrator- pointing out that the dude is an asset while casting moral judgement on him via his language... That the all powerful narrator is happy there is a guy willing to follow almost anyone and not make waves... reproducing and abiding/following when needed. Even though the Narrator likes that, He is still unhappy about the Dudes Morality/language).

Brilliant film on the surface. Each character represents something.

However, the Neutering of Males comes through beneath that.
Jeffrey Lebowski, the "rich" guy- Powerless. His wife makes him a cuck. He has no money of his own. He makes no decisions on his own. He is reduced to tears when challenged. Even his Minion, Brandt, is made a fool of by Lebowskis wife- she offers to give the dude head and wants Brandt to pay 100 to watch.

The daughter, Maude (name is important... it means Powerful Battler) pulls all the strings and holds all the money. As an artist, she is free to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. she has male minions doing her bidding, flies around naked, and takes what she wants- down to the product of Lebowskis balls.
To underscore the neutering factor, there is a painting on her wall- a pair of scissors on a blood red background, with black outlines that look suspiciously like a ball sack behind it.
There are many references to dicks getting severed (the nihilists and the marmot) and a dream sequence where the nihilists are threatening the dude with scissors.

All of the men in the movie are completely ineffective except for Jackie Treehorn- and his balls are still there. He is a porn producer for starters, but if the audience did not make the connection with that, they underscore it with the phone scene.
He has Lebowski dancing like a puppet- and he gets a phone call, and lebowski goes running over to the pad Treehorn was writing on to get the secret message... try to gain powerful information. That powerful information was nothing more than a drawing of a GIGANTIC ****. Dick=power.

Walter, despite his confrontational persona, gave his balls to his ex wife. he seeks her approval at every turn, and wont deviate from her demands despite the fact she is getting boned on a vacation with her new guy. Walter still sucks at her teat.
Walter is meek, no balls at all... and despite being logical and right, he is shouted down and it results in his death.

The Dude is even guilty- Maude uses him as a puppet, controlling every step. The Dude tries to remain uninfluenced by powerful women... but he needs his white russian every time he is feeling stressed or unsure (white russian= cream = Breast Milk).

Over arching storyline, Women rule everything, and unless you have MASSIVE balls, the best you can hope for is for women to leave you a little portion of the world where you can maintain the illusion of control.

If you have not seen the movie and tried to decipher the meaning, do so immediately. It is brilliant on many levels.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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He will go find Maude lebowski and slap her naked ass right out of that harness.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
So it wasn't a slacker sex drugs and rock n roll parody of Raymond Chandler's pulp fiction?


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Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
The **** you talking about?

Why must I be Ladd? via da Tapatalk


Bills Board Hall of Famer
Aug 21, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
You may have overanalyzed it.
