The most unfortunate scenario

Parkway Drive

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Mar 31, 2016
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Sure. Could be the seven beers. Could be the utterly disgusting loss. Idk. This post will be weird and cynical. But, I am not angry, and I'm aware that ALL SIXTEEN games need to be played before any real lucid judgements can be made about this team as a whole. And really, for all components of this team as well. Don't flame me for a meandering post. Or do. Don't care. I am keenly aware of the premature and reactionary nature of this post. But I had some musings on my balcony after calmly thinking about this loss, what I saw, and how much of a shit show I've grown accustomed to partaking in (up until mid-November when I check out mostly). And oh boy.... I think we got ourselves in the most pitiful of quandaries, guys.

Here is the problem in one giant paragraph. And it's enormous. (Both the problem and the paragraph). This is meandering and in no particular order. Pace was given an extension. Could he be fired? If we totally suck and Trashbisky continues to be trash? Maybe. I realllllllyyyy doubt it though. They (ownership) are likely going to give NagyPaceBisky two full calendar years to make this work. Well, TRY and HOPE it works. And here's the thing.... aside from a Kizer like season, it actually makes sense, objectively. Like I get it. Time to gel. Stability blahbiddy blah doo blah. I think it's not a terrible philosophy per se. Like, I get it to an extent. Nagy is most fucking certainly NOT on the hot seat. Unless he goes Bob Mcadoo or starts snorting lines of coke off of hookers, dudes gonna be our coach for 32 games minimum. If Trubisky tanks entirely Pace could be gone and Trubisky relegated to back up duty a la Blaine Gabbert in Jax a while back. That's possible I suppose. Unfortunately, that's not the best scenario. More on that later. But... we, on paper have a full three years invested in NagyPaceBisky. Let's pray this was just Rodgers going Rodgers and we're an 8-8 up and coming team.... but dudes. My dudes. This is totally fucked. Trubisky. Fucking. Sucks. I LOVED him coming into the draft. Accuracy. Poise. Decent athlete. But. He fucking sucks. He's not an A+ athlete. Arm strength meh. But most importantly. Zero poise. Zero killer instinct. Zero anything. Dude is trash. Okay? You either gotta have mahomes/Stafford/Cutler arm, great athleticism, or great poise and competitiveness (Brady/Rodgers) What does he have really? That's 'great'? Nada. Dude is hot garbage left out in the summer. Aint even mad. It is what it is. And here's the kicker.... because of this, Pace is likely gone. And I have to be really honest. Aside from the MONUMENTAL mistake Trubisky is / was two years ago, the dude has been mashing doubles and collecting RBI's like Miguel Cabrera 3 years ago. Bold. Subdued but confident. Relying on weapons like Mark Sadowski. Extending Leno, E.G., Getting a beast in Mack. AR. Drafting Cohen, signing Burton, Etc. the actual, true, median talent level of this roster is night and day from the Emery days (not accounting for position importance, ahem, QB). This. This is why we are so inordinately fucked. Such unbelievably bad luck. It's almost like you can't Make it up. This guy.... IF he stays (which he won't if Trubisky shits the bed all year). Came out of left field and fucking hit a grand salami of an offseason. Save for that one giant monumental shit brick wearing #10 on his back. And. Well. This is what happens. The most unfortunate of scenarios. Instead of keeping Pace. And letting Nagy and the WHOLE staff pick Trubisky's successor.... he'll probably be fired. And be replaced by the next Emery. With no draft capital. Worse yet? Maybe Nagy can't pick a QB worth a shit on his own either. Or he's hamstrung Bc the next GM has say. That's where we are at. A good GM who slayed goddamn dragons that waited too long to do so. A head coach over his head. A trash ass bust of a QB. And what we should do is keep Pace. Keep Nagy (unless he calls horrendous plays all season and has zero ability to put games away... but even then we ain't eating that contract), Bench Trubisky after week 11 with his still middling QB rating. Oh wait..... how can we decide on a future QB??.... we have no draft capital. Like. At all.

Oh. Shit. Oh. And that kinda nullifies the Mack trade props I gave him credit for....

And we do Not possess a QB type deal of cap space...

Oh yeah.

Fuck. Well I guess we can trade for a QB and create more holes from an otherwise emerging roster?! Yeah......

So actually. Fuck Pace. Fire him. Fuck him hard. He believed enough in this piece of trash to GIVE AWAY THE PICKS THAT WOULD REPLACE THIS PIECE OF TRASH. #irony. The arrogance is astounding. It's hubris to the Nth degree. And this, my friends, is the most unfortunate scenario.

Face it guys. We're fucked seven ways to Sunday. I texted my friend the moment it was 20-10 that the game was over. We had lost. We are still losers. And it's gonna get worse.
Within sixty seconds, he said "yeah, I know. I'm watching. You're done. Bears gon Bear."

Trubisky is trash and this is going to get very, very ugly.

When the loss came to be.... I basically uttered 'it's surprising that this isn't surprising'

And. Well. By the time we get a good QB. LOL I meant, IF, .....all of our good players will be three years older.

And the search goes on.

The most unfortunate, of scenarios.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2013
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Mack had an all-world performance and yet the Bears still lost because it's a QB driven league. The biggest winner tonight was Jon Gruden, hands down. This is why the Raiders gladly accepted the Bears' 1st rounders.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
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Mack had an all-world performance and yet the Bears still lost because it's a QB driven league. The biggest winner tonight was Jon Gruden, hands down. This is why the Raiders gladly accepted the Bears' 1st rounders.

All-world? Hardly. He had great moments, but they hardly utilized him in the 2nd half.

Believe me, Mack will continue to get better as the season goes on and inserting Roquan for NK will be a huge upgrade too.

This loss sucked, but the Bears are on the right track.

Midway Monsters

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Apr 15, 2016
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They have a good core and nice pieces but because we potentially have a bottom 5 quarterback, I don’t know how we get on the right track. Trubisky seems like he doesn’t have the clutch gene and is instead a choke artist. Time after time, he’s had the opportunity to come down and win a game but has not. I remember the pick against the Saints to seal the loss and gave him a pass thinking it was somehow on coaching. Does anyone trust him to put the team on his back and win a game?


Monday Morning QB
Aug 21, 2012
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Mack had an all-world performance and yet the Bears still lost because it's a QB driven league. The biggest winner tonight was Jon Gruden, hands down. This is why the Raiders gladly accepted the Bears' 1st rounders.

Mack almost won this game single handily. Gruden didn’t win shit. That is just ridiculous.


Whistle Dixie
Apr 25, 2014
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Mack had an all-world performance and yet the Bears still lost because it's a QB driven league. The biggest winner tonight was Jon Gruden, hands down. This is why the Raiders gladly accepted the Bears' 1st rounders.

If THAT is what you came away with from this game, you’re a bigger idiot than Gruden.


Well-known member
May 10, 2014
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First off, if Pace gets fired after next season, Nagy's gone too. So no need to pontificate on what the next GM is going to do for Nagy. He'll be an OC somewhere, and the Bears will no longer be his problem.

As far as Trubisky, we could write a second Encyclopedia fucking Encarta with all our thoughts on him. I saw good and bad in this game. I'll reserve judgment on him as a potential good/franchise quarterback until later this year or after this year. But I can already tell you can win with him. Will he win you games?? Yet to be seen. If someone said no, I suppose I wouldn't have much evidence otherwise.

It seems that your main concern is that Pace will be shown the door because of Trubisky's failings despite amassing quite a bit of talent and overall doing well and gathering personnel together. I tend to think, if it gets to the point that it's so obvious he's done everything else right other than Trubisky, he'll probably get one more chance at a QB. The McCaskeys and Sweaty Teddy aren't known for their quick decisions.


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Mar 29, 2016
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Was not good and has not been, but bottom 5? Against the Pack, a division foe in primetime, with a center who cannot snap and a rt who cannot pass protect ("he gets going late") his qbr will end up middle of the road this week, unless all 4 of the qbs tonight play well.

Bottom 5 is a ridiculous over reaction. Sorry.

Now worth trading up to 2? We will see but hard to believe for now(hope I am wrong.) But bottom 5 is laughable.

Right now his rating is better than Watson, Garropolo, Eli, Bortles, Big Ben, Bradford, Josh Allen, Tyrod, Foles, Gabbert, Kizer, Mariota, Peterman.

One td puts him ahead of Keenum, Newton and Dak.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2012
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Mack had an all-world performance and yet the Bears still lost because it's a QB driven league. The biggest winner tonight was Jon Gruden, hands down. This is why the Raiders gladly accepted the Bears' 1st rounders.

Please, had Mack been around for the whole preseason, or even been in someone’s camp and fully ready to go, this game is never close and Rodgers doesn’t come back to possibly get hurt worse. Gruden hasn’t won shit...yet.
