the art of squirt.
To the guy who wanted to bulk but had his thread closed
Micheal Phelps was eating 12,000 calories a day at one point.
Id suggest eating eggs/tuna/chicken/beef and lots of dairy (especially ice cream) if you are looking to bulk at least 5-8 times a day.
the body can only process x amount of protein per hour.
I dunno, but my guess is when HHM was talking about injecting roids into his balls, he was likely trolling. Just maybe.
Peanut Butter or wait until you turn 35. Then bulking becomes relatively easy :lol: In all seriousness I squat 3 days per week. Monday is working set back squat, Wednesday is overhead/front squat, Friday is heavy day. I run at least 1 mile per day, usually Tuesday/Thursday and weekends I run 2-3 miles. I don't rest longer than 1 minute between sets usually and it's in sort of a 5x5 routine
My weight's not dropping but my power gut is so it's working.
Back in again the last month or so after about a 4 month layoff. I don't know why I do this to myself.
+1 to pb. its really usefull when you just want a couple of spoonfuls of protein because you are tired of eating all day - its also an electrolyte