a. half the stuff is reporters making shit up, because they want a story. denver and the bulls discussing noah is a short story.
half? How did you come by this number? I'll grant you that the LeBronathon was a complete whirlwind of media half-truths and exaggerations, but that was the
free agency (read:
not a trade, which would require a whole lot more unethical media practices to conjure up a BS scenario) of one of the most revered players in the modern era of the NBA and sports media in general. This case is definitely different.
But let's assume that
half of the trade rumors spewed out by reporters are crap...in which half do these reports reside? Who makes that decision, you? Please.
Noah isn't a piece you build around, and he's about to be paid.
So........? He's going to get paid by
somebody, right? In your little Special person fantasy world, what happens if the Bulls up and decide to not re-sign him and renounce his rights when he becomes an RFA? Will NBA GM's scoff and say "psh, that guys about to get paid, no thanks"?
Denver already has a center,
So what? So this would be the first time a team as acquired a player to create a surplus at a given position? Nene has an early-termination option after this season, and Kenyon Martin is done after this season. So Denver could either look to ship off Nene in a non-simultaneous deal for Noah, or wait and pay him with Martin's money after this year.
The significance (or lack thereof, rather) has already been explained, like, a million times.
Exactly why would denver want a skinny center?
:dunno: Because they are without one in two seasons, which could be cut to even less time via a trade or him opting out of his deal for some reason? And because they'd have the money to pay this younger C with Martin's money going bye-bye after the season?
Only reporters looking to meet the deadline have a clue.
We have no reason to believe these reports are false. None. Could they be false? Yes. But simply pointing to
other reports that turned out to be false has no bearing on the validity or non-validity of this one. If you can point to specific instances where all the reporters that put this out there have credibility issues, then we can talk, but condemning this/these reporters for the actions of faceless others is more than a bit stupid.
b. gar foreman is the gm. not pax.
Please, you're blind if you don't see that Paxson is still pulling the strings on his little puppet sitting in the GM's office. Pax's "promotion" or whatever was one of the most obvious "I'll still be making the decisions, but hopefully people won't still think that I am" moves in sports front office history. Don't be obtuse.
already has traded away kirk,
Bad for what he was getting paid.
Also bad.
Really bad.
The bulls falling in love with their players argument is either Special person,
Can you actually go back and
read what I said? Go over it a couple times. Let it sink in. I'll even put it right here for you:
falling in love with Noah because he drafted him and he (Noah) turned out to be pretty good. This makes even more sense when you think about all the flak Paxson has taken for his draft moves,
Now, try responding to that again, this time without the fallacious re-construction of my argument.
or a covert plan to trade away our player until BAM, we mysteriously bring back all the players from the 06/07 bulls +skiles.
This makes absolutely no sense.
c. The sources are bullshit. Where are you alive during the lebron fiasco, or where you too busy trolling on the interwebs?
Already covered, chief. But I ask you again: who gets to decide which half of the trade rumors we hear are BS?
on a related note, since you so adamently believe that the bulls are Special person not to do the trade for noah, don't you realize that the rest of the world see's that too? More importantly Denver realizes that their getting raped in this deal?
Better than letting him go for nothing, no? Look, if they can find better offers, fine, but by all accounts they are at the very least inquiring to the Bulls about Noah.
with that in mind, how can anyone believe that the noah + deng rumour to denver has any credibility? any what so ever?
Because the money works, and because these reports come from news agencies with an ethical obligation to at least report something resembling the facts? And because whatever transpired has caused the Bulls to come out and say that Noah isn't going anywhere? Which, if not for an inquisition by Denver, why would they say? What "face" do they need to save? There's no reason to say that if you
aren't involved with trade talks.
d. no one said that you can't discuss it. It's just that you've discussed it ad nauseam, and there's nothing 'left' to say.
with that said, i'm all for discussing it once there is something concrete ie all the news agencies printing articles saying that 'denver believes chicago is the best offer/deal is imminent'.
Wait a minute. You just said that no one is telling anyone not to discuss something, but here you imply that it should not be discussed until, as you put it, "the deal is imminent". That's a pretty quick contradiction of oneself.