Why is a first grader a transgender.....
What do you mean, "why?" You're transgender from the day you're born to the day you die. Age doesn't matter.
Cause it's parents are idiots.
I think the only thing the parents are doing wrong is exposing Coy to the media like this.
If Coy went to his parents and says he feels like a girl or SHOULD be a girl, how should the parents react? MAKE him be a boy? That won't work. If Coy is truly transgender, he will eventually go through the process where he becomes female... or as female as possible.
You can't MAKE someone something they don't feel they are.
50 years ago, a woman gave birth to twin boys. The boys went to get get circumcised 7 months later and the procedure went wrong for one of the boys and his penis was burned. The doctors said it won't be fixable, and the parents should think about reassigning the boys gender so he can feel more comfortable. From that point, the parent went on with the surgery and made a vagina for the boy and raised him as a girl. As the boy grew, he didn't feel comfortable with himself. He thought he was a girl, but felt differently. By 13, He expressed his unhappiness and his parents finally told him the truth. Then he started living life as a boy.
You can read more about it here
There is also scientific evidence that shows that the brains of transgenders have similarities to the brains of the gender they think they are. So it's not like these people are making it up.
So if Coy really feels as though he's a girl, what should his parents do?
Over 50% of the transgender community already attempts/commits suicide because of bullying and feeling unwanted. By letting Coy express himself/herself, they are doing Coy a huge favor.
As Coy gets older, if he identifies as a straight boy and that was just a phase because he liked girly cloths as a kid.... fine. If he grows up and identifies as a *** male, but is more on the girly side of ***... cool. But if Coy really is transgender, the way the parents are treating Coy is the best way possible, imo. MINUS the media exposure.