Trubisky has legit ability

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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BTW, who re-opened this thread? That seems to have been a major error in judgement.

It's been mega merged into bearmicks month old thread about trubisky playing well.

Rory Sparrow

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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was it also merged with that thread where bearmick says Chase Daniel should be the starting QB?


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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was it also merged with that thread where bearmick says Chase Daniel should be the starting QB?

Ask msadows. He has these posts bookmarked for when trubisky wins a superbowl


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Aug 24, 2012
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Except as I've already shown you, I didn't advocate for Daniel (congrats on finally spelling that correctly) to start. Still waiting for your apology for misquoting me, by the way.

So in a thread dedicating to starting Chase Daniel, you arguing not to waste this years D, and Chase Daniel is the ONLY option we have other then Mitch.. and then talk about how Mitch is not an NFL QB and his problems have nothing to do with Development, you would have us believe that you really meant that you believed in Mitch? lol ok

even before you changed your tune latter in the thread and said that Mitch was not a NFL QB you sill where advocating for Chase..

"Not that Daniel is the answer, but what do you do if you're 8-6 and holding on to the playoff hunt by the fingernails solely because of a dominant defense while the QB play is still terrible? Do you put in an unspectacular but competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason, or do you stick with the shit show knowing there's almost zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him?

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level"

The answer is development of a real QB.. Having a shitty backup QB has been the MO of the Bears for the last 20+ years.. Own it.. you wanted to go back to meatball Bears football the first sign of a developing QB struggling

Rory Sparrow

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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So in a thread dedicating to starting Chase Daniel, you arguing not to waste this years D, and Chase Daniel is the ONLY option we have other then Mitch.. and then talk about how Mitch is not an NFL QB and his problems have nothing to do with Development, you would have us believe that you really meant that you believed in Mitch? lol ok

even before you changed your tune latter in the thread and said that Mitch was not a NFL QB you sill where advocating for Chase..

"Not that Daniel is the answer, but what do you do if you're 8-6 and holding on to the playoff hunt by the fingernails solely because of a dominant defense while the QB play is still terrible? Do you put in an unspectacular but competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason, or do you stick with the shit show knowing there's almost zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him?

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level"

The answer is development of a real QB.. Having a shitty backup QB has been the MO of the Bears for the last 20+ years.. Own it.. you wanted to go back to meatball Bears football the first sign of a developing QB struggling

I've never seen someone write such a detailed 'response' to something that was never said in the first place.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Again, I'm not obligated to clear up your problems.

And FFS, "could have cleared it up". Could have.

sorry Mick my spelling and grammar are pretty terrible. I will try to proof read more in the future


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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It seems more like making stuff up to suit a narrative.

Quoting him is making stuff up?

here lets make it easy for everyone.

here was Micks question in the Start Daniel thread..

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level

so where do you think Mick sides with development or Superbowl? (back in that thread not now)

The fact that his 2 options was development vs Superbowl pretty much ends the debate right there.. But lets keep going..

what he said about Mitch..
He isn't very talented
He can't play
zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him
He can't play football
isn't an issue of developing
the kid is bad at the game
He isn't an NFL QB
Trubisky isn't a viable NFL QB

What he said about Chase Daniel
Nobody thinks Daniel is good
Not that Daniel is the answer
He's just the only other QB we have who isn't Mitch Trubisky
competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason

So its really cut and dry here people.. Mick said that Chase might not be good but he gives us a better chance at the post season compared to Trubisky

Anyone thinking that Mick was not advocating for Chase is kidding themselves.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Quoting him is making stuff up?

here lets make it easy for everyone.

here was Micks question in the Start Daniel thread..

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level

so where do you think Mick sides with development or Superbowl? (back in that thread not now)

The fact that his 2 options was development vs Superbowl pretty much ends the debate right there.. But lets keep going..

what he said about Mitch..
He isn't very talented
He can't play
zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him
He can't play football
isn't an issue of developing
the kid is bad at the game
He isn't an NFL QB
Trubisky isn't a viable NFL QB

What he said about Chase Daniel
Nobody thinks Daniel is good
Not that Daniel is the answer
He's just the only other QB we have who isn't Mitch Trubisky
competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason

So its really cut and dry here people.. Mick said that Chase might not be good but he gives us a better chance at the post season compared to Trubisky

Anyone thinking that Mick was not advocating for Chase is kidding themselves.

Okay thanks for clearing that up. I honestly didn't read that post when it was originally posted and just skimmed it the first time you reposted it. Got it now. When did he make that post?


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Aug 24, 2012
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2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Virginia Commonwealth Rams
Quoting him is making stuff up?

here lets make it easy for everyone.

here was Micks question in the Start Daniel thread..

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level

so where do you think Mick sides with development or Superbowl? (back in that thread not now)

The fact that his 2 options was development vs Superbowl pretty much ends the debate right there.. But lets keep going..

what he said about Mitch..
He isn't very talented
He can't play
zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him
He can't play football
isn't an issue of developing
the kid is bad at the game
He isn't an NFL QB
Trubisky isn't a viable NFL QB

What he said about Chase Daniel
Nobody thinks Daniel is good
Not that Daniel is the answer
He's just the only other QB we have who isn't Mitch Trubisky
competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason

So its really cut and dry here people.. Mick said that Chase might not be good but he gives us a better chance at the post season compared to Trubisky

Anyone thinking that Mick was not advocating for Chase is kidding themselves.

You left out a key component to that statement...but I guess thats what fits your narrative


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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you wanted to go back to meatball Bears football the first sign of a developing QB struggling

Only in the scenario I outlined in the post. I think you know that though. Stop struggling, apologize, and we can forget it ever happened. I'm not a grudge holding type of guy.

what did I leave out?

The fact that I only advocated putting Daniel in in the specific scenario that the Bears were still in contention through great defense and at 8-6 or so, AND if Trubisky still hadn't improved from his horrendous early season play.

You are trying to pass it off like I wanted Daniel in right then. This is disingenuous. Please apologize.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
CCS Overall Fantasy Football Champion
Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Virginia Commonwealth Rams
what did I leave out?

Here is the full quote:

He isn't very talented. He can't play. He can't do basic things like hitting wide open receivers that have nothing to do with inexperience in the system.

Not that Daniel is the answer, but what do you do if you're 8-6 and holding on to the playoff hunt by the fingernails solely because of a dominant defense while the QB play is still terrible? Do you put in an unspectacular but competent backup knowing it gives you a better chance in the postseason, or do you stick with the shit show knowing there's almost zero chance you can beat playoff teams with him?

What's more important, a shot at a Superbowl or the "development" of a QB who can't play football at an NFL level?

You keep leaving out the part where he says if the QB play continues to be terrible.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2013
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Here is the full quote:

You keep leaving out the part where he says if the QB play continues to be terrible.

Do you stick with the shit show that leaves almost 0 chance at a post season??????

Hahahahahaha that quote aged about as well as remy’s take on Allen Robinson.
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