Welcome, new Hawks fans! Now just a few guidelines....


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Nov 29, 2010
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Yes yes these have been written before...but I felt one was needed now more than EVER before after seeing this fanbase seemingly triple in size over the past week.

Tell me what you think and re-post to the new fans in your life...we all have them. I also welcome added suggestions in the comments section :D

http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/chicago ... lines.html


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May 14, 2010
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Not bad. I agree with most, except the last one. Although I hate both the Wings and the Nucks (the Nucks more), I know fans of both teams that are also huge Hawks fans. In fact, it's hard for me to really hate the Wings when there organization has been so good and has had a lot of classy guys throughout.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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nicely done. I just got into an argument with a self proclaimed "hockey mom" on whether it's called a SWEATER or a jersey. finally she hit the google for herself and declared my victory. (her kid is a pee wee)

my other favorite is people cheering for icing......nuf said

I have found it's pretty easy to explain the game to a soccer player, and they have made the transition to being a hockey fan easier than the average baseball fan.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="fanof19"]nicely done. I just got into an argument with a self proclaimed "hockey mom" on whether it's called a SWEATER or a jersey. finally she hit the google for herself and declared my victory. (her kid is a pee wee)

my other favorite is people cheering for icing......nuf said

I have found it's pretty easy to explain the game to a soccer player, and they have made the transition to being a hockey fan easier than the average baseball fan.[/quote]

Like me, you would have been disgusted at the parade when some yahoo was doing a chant of "Let's Go Black Hawks" clap, clap, clap, clap.........



CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="IceHogsFan"]

Like me, you would have been disgusted at the parade when some yahoo was doing a chant of "Let's Go Black Hawks" clap, clap, clap, clap.........


I taped the parade, and WGN had people doing that chant. I just shook my head and wondered who thought THAT represented the Indian Head? And how about the 7 year old who said she's been a Hawk fan her whole life? really? how about finding that old guy on the street with a misty eye? THAT'S what I would have reported on. The people who have been waiting 49 years to see their team bring it home.


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="IceHogsFan"]

Like me, you would have been disgusted at the parade when some yahoo was doing a chant of "Let's Go Black Hawks" clap, clap, clap, clap.........


That's not half as bad as the drunken teenagers next too us that started chanting "USA USA"... and then after that, all throughout the crowd several times "Detroit Sucks". Yeah I said it, there is no place for that chant anywhere outside of the UC when Detroit is playing. I don't care how you feel about it, it's classless otherwise. To me it's like the fans who cheer through the anthem in another teams building. You must respect the traditions.


[quote name="MassHavoc"]

That's not half as bad as the drunken teenagers next too us that started chanting "USA USA"... and then after that, all throughout the crowd several times "Detroit Sucks". Yeah I said it, there is no place for that chant anywhere outside of the UC when Detroit is playing. I don't care how you feel about it, it's classless otherwise. To me it's like the fans who cheer through the anthem in another teams building. You must respect the traditions.[/quote]

They don't know nor do they care about any traditions. One year of missing the playoffs and they'll be gone like the wind. Thats the way it works.

Just like the guy speaking almost no english in his interview has been a fan "all his life".

The Count Dante

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May 16, 2010
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I think at first I got somewhat bothered by some of these. I am not the most diehard and not a casual fan.

But I dont mind the chants (I dont chant), the incorrect commentary, the jerseys or the like. Bandwagon? Cool.

For me, it was important to learn about not just Hawks traditions but hockey. But if others dont? I dont care.

As I tell most people, Hockey is an activity that I can be 100% alone and focused with 20 thousand other people. Getting bent out of shape about this or that, I mean, who cares really. You pay for the ticket, do what you like, say what you like. If you like your Griswold jersey, hell run with it. Wanna scream "shoot" whenever the Hawks touch the puck? Right on.

Everyone had to be a new fan at some point. Some will get it and those are the ones you find yourself talking and debating to. Some wont and they are easily dismissed.

Not all will be hardcore, why try to make them. And new things will always pop... Vancouver rivalry is certainly pretty new...if fact I feel THAT rivalry more then a Detroit rivalry... Oh yeah, I said it... ;)


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Nov 29, 2010
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[quote name="THe Count Dante"]I think at first I got somewhat bothered by some of these. I am not the most diehard and not a casual fan.

But I dont mind the chants (I dont chant), the incorrect commentary, the jerseys or the like. Bandwagon? Cool.

For me, it was important to learn about not just Hawks traditions but hockey. But if others dont? I dont care.

As I tell most people, Hockey is an activity that I can be 100% alone and focused with 20 thousand other people. Getting bent out of shape about this or that, I mean, who cares really. You pay for the ticket, do what you like, say what you like. If you like your Griswold jersey, hell run with it. Wanna scream "shoot" whenever the Hawks touch the puck? Right on.

Everyone had to be a new fan at some point. Some will get it and those are the ones you find yourself talking and debating to. Some wont and they are easily dismissed.

Not all will be hardcore, why try to make them. And new things will always pop... Vancouver rivalry is certainly pretty new...if fact I feel THAT rivalry more then a Detroit rivalry... Oh yeah, I said it... ;)[/quote]

I agree about the jersey thing...I even said in my article that jerseys don't bother me.

And I also agree that everyone was a new fan at some point. I welcome new fans. I'm not even saying I'd be the one yelling at morons...but let's face it, after almost every home game this season, people came back to message boards with complaints about newbie fans. My blog's purpose is to help guide those new fans in a direction that would lead to true acceptance into the diehard fanbase. The more fans, the merrier. I just don't want some huge divide between old fans and new fans. I'd rather have one giant collection of smart fans. :D

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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[quote name="jtalarico328"]

I agree about the jersey thing...I even said in my article that jerseys don't bother me.

And I also agree that everyone was a new fan at some point. I welcome new fans. I'm not even saying I'd be the one yelling at morons...but let's face it, after almost every home game this season, people came back to message boards with complaints about newbie fans. My blog's purpose is to help guide those new fans in a direction that would lead to true acceptance into the diehard fanbase. The more fans, the merrier. I just don't want some huge divide between old fans and new fans. I'd rather have one giant collection of smart fans. :D[/quote]

Sorry, it was not directed to your blog/article per se, just ramblings from a man at work who no longer wanted to look at the 5 blinking monitors in front of em... :)

And i am no tower of will, I have been quick to reply to ignorant.

The MOST IMPORTANT, sit. down. now. I have no tolerance. First time it is with a ", please". Then it is said with scary meth-ish eyes.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Mays Landing, NJ
I enjoyed that post. Good points, and a good little chuckle. The thing about the fake jerseys was spot-on. I notice them, yeah, but if you're not a tool about it or the great deal you got on an "authentic," I won't judge you too much. Maybe. The girls who can't say "Toews," however, will be judged and judged harshly.

But you're wrong on one thing. "An angry Facebook status about how much you love Patrick Sharp isn't going to solve anything?" Really? Maybe not for you! :p


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
Call me a prick, I was in your boat accepting new fans, but they can go all simultaneously jump off the Hancock building. Their fucking ignorant, don't actually give a shit about the team, will be gone within 2 losing seasons(probably 70% within one losing season), buy jersey's that do not support the team what so ever with the purchases of the atrocities HLAG BLAH whatever I could ramble forever on how much I can't stand bandwagon fair weather pieces of shit.

All I know is that 5 years ago when I was going to all the games for 8$ I was having the time of my life, people would always say stupid ass remarks about supporting a team that sucks, no one knew a player, no one knew when the season started ended, no one knew fucking anything. Now after 2 winning seasons all the people that couldn't have told me a player wearing the InhdianHead are HUGE FANS AND "GOING TO THE FUCKING PARADE WOOOOO!!!!!"

There called douchebags, and I am very glad I'm not one.

P.S.: One positive is that the win will actually produce fans who will stick it out through the tough times, but the true tools will be long gone, probably cheering for I don't know....."Detroit, cause there fuckin sick bro"


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Jun 3, 2010
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Mays Landing, NJ
[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]Call me a prick, I was in your boat accepting new fans, but they can go all simultaneously jump off the Hancock building. Their fucking ignorant, don't actually give a shit about the team, will be gone within 2 losing seasons(probably 70% within one losing season), buy jersey's that do not support the team what so ever with the purchases of the atrocities HLAG BLAH whatever I could ramble forever on how much I can't stand bandwagon fair weather pieces of shit.

All I know is that 5 years ago when I was going to all the games for 8$ I was having the time of my life, people would always say stupid ass remarks about supporting a team that sucks, no one knew a player, no one knew when the season started ended, no one knew fucking anything. Now after 2 winning seasons all the people that couldn't have told me a player wearing the InhdianHead are HUGE FANS AND "GOING TO THE FUCKING PARADE WOOOOO!!!!!"

There called douchebags, and I am very glad I'm not one.

P.S.: One positive is that the win will actually produce fans who will stick it out through the tough times, but the true tools will be long gone, probably cheering for I don't know....."Detroit, cause there fuckin sick bro"[/quote]

So much anger! I have to say, I haaated bandwagon fans, but there is so much joy and goodness in my heart since Wednesday night, I've come to accept them. Still look down on them because I am far superior, but accept them. I mean, I'd rather have the team see 2 million people cheering in the streets than 2 thousand. A 2 million person parade is pretty badass, you gotta say.


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
[quote name="gottalooksharp"]

So much anger! I have to say, I haaated bandwagon fans, but there is so much joy and goodness in my heart since Wednesday night, I've come to accept them. Still look down on them because I am far superior, but accept them. I mean, I'd rather have the team see 2 million people cheering in the streets than 2 thousand. A 2 million person parade is pretty badass, you gotta say.[/quote]

It was and standing for 5 hours next to fat sweaty people was worth it. But saturday night I was talking to a few moronic friends of mine who went to it and they honestly couldn't name anyone but Toews and Kane, 4 of them, 3 girls. Sure the 2 million is awesome, but those people are there for the scene, not for the Hawks.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Mays Landing, NJ
[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]

It was and standing for 5 hours next to fat sweaty people was worth it. But saturday night I was talking to a few moronic friends of mine who went to it and they honestly couldn't name anyone but Toews and Kane, 4 of them, 3 girls. Sure the 2 million is awesome, but those people are there for the scene, not for the Hawks.[/quote]

This is very true. I mean, girls shouldn't be sports fans, period. All they care about is how cute the boys are and if they can get noticed by them. Haaaa. No, seriously, I get the frustration. I've been talking to people, too, and it makes me a bit crazy how little they know when they claim to be HUGE FANS. But you need to coddle these poor souls, make them understand, teach them. You never know who could be the next life-long fan. I mean, I came to the Blackhawks a sobbing mess of a Patrick Sharp fan during the "dark ages," (reverse bandwagon?) and even when he's gone, I'll stay for the party, sucky or not. Because the Blackhawks are bigger than any one of us. (And I invested a lot of money in this gear, so I have to make use of it. :p)


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="gottalooksharp"]

So much anger! I have to say, I haaated bandwagon fans, but there is so much joy and goodness in my heart since Wednesday night, I've come to accept them. Still look down on them because I am far superior, but accept them. I mean, I'd rather have the team see 2 million people cheering in the streets than 2 thousand. A 2 million person parade is pretty badass, you gotta say.[/quote]

Can not even fathom Philly having 2 million fans at a parade for their boys.

BTW, after the loss was there any rioting, looting or damage from those ignorants?


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="IceHogsFan"]

Can not even fathom Philly having 2 million fans at a parade for their boys.

BTW, after the loss was there any rioting, looting or damage from those ignorants?[/quote]

Don't think so, they are pretty used to losing by now. They all just went and stood in line for Phillies tickets.


[quote name="MassHavoc"]

Don't think so, they are pretty used to losing by now. They all just went and stood in line for Phillies tickets.[/quote]

While throwing up or throwing piss on any opposing fan they happened to see on the way.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Mays Landing, NJ
[quote name="MassHavoc"]

Don't think so, they are pretty used to losing by now. They all just went and stood in line for Phillies tickets.[/quote]

Actually, it was a little hairy at Chickie's and Pete's. At least that's what I was told. I was too busy watching what was happening with the Hawks and the Cup to really notice if I was almost killed. There were people yelling and trying to come over to our table, but a couple of my friends were heading them off. I have some good friends, they made sure I enjoyed the moment. Some drunk guy did get up in my face once the broadcast went off, but his buddies stepped in and took him home, so it wasn't too bad. Whatever, we won.


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May 15, 2010
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Quad Sillies
My experience here in the QC with "new" fans has been pretty good. Almost all admit they don't know the sport or the team that well, but are open to learning. Since wearing the Stanley Cup Champion locker room hat the past five days, I've had several comments, and I really think more people (at least in this area) will follow the Blackhawks more closely next year. Sure, they may be gone after a losing season or two, but it's nice that this has generated more awareness of the Blackhawks in "fringe" market areas like here.
