I always go for whoever is playing the Lakers.
But all year long, ever since the way the nation over-reacted to LeBron, I've actually become a Heat fan and root for them every night they aren't playing the Bulls.
I have always cheered for the under-rated/unsung player (my favorite players are those guys who were never popular but great players in spite of popularity contests...the blue collar lunch pail carrying kind of guys) and in this case, I also cheer for the teams that everyone hates unfairly.
These are grown men.
LeBron gave Cleveland 7 years. Chris Bosh gave Toronto 7 years. It's not like they bolted like Shaq or Carlos Boozer did the second their first contract was up (Shaq after 4, Boozer after 2). They all re-signed with their teams after their rookie contracts.
I'll say the same thing with regards to them than I did when Roy Williams left Kansas and everyone there was going nuts and turning on him - the guy gave you 15...16...17 years! Be thankful you had him at all!
How many of US would jump at the chance of a new job somewhere else?
If you were approached TODAY by some of your closest friends in the business and offered to transfer to work with your best friends EVERY DAY, live NEAR your best friends, AND you get an ENORMOUS contract AND! you get to move to a cool city (in this case, South Beach!), how many of us would turn it down so we could remain in Waukegan?
When we go up and down the court a few times in their Nike Air's, they don't exactly appear as the scum of the universe anymore do they?
If I'm offered 110 million dollars over 6 years to play with my best friends in MIAMI, FLORIDA, I'm there. I am there. Even if I am taking LESS money to go THERE than Cleveland, I am there.
And that's what these guys did. They took a LOT less money. All 3 of them. But the national media has to spin everything they say and do into a negative.
These guys were unselfish with money. That's the first time an athlete has EVER done this! lol They are taking WAY less money so they can be a team rather than individuals. I think that should be applauded, but no, we're supposed to hate them and criticize LeBron because he cut himself shaving this morning. I don't understand it.
I thought The Decision was silly and think them dancing around in their jerseys saying they were basically going to win titles till 2246 lacked tact, but at the same time I don't think that means we should hate them as people and try and make every word that comes out of their mouths a lose-lose for them.
I cheer for the Heat and if the Bulls don't advance, I'm hoping Miami does.