[quote name="Maiden"]I suppose the professor from the University of Chicago doesnt qualify.
I'll take your word for it over his, no problem.[/quote]
Uhh, I never implored you to take my word for it---I merely stated why I feel that folks who can't believe there were 1.5 - 2 million people there are full of it based on their lame arguments I have read online on various forums and websites. You wanna believe a Univ. of Chicago professor who admits that he was basing his statistical model off an aerial picture of 1/3 of a city block of the parade route that's your right. Which 1/3rd of a block? Who knows. At what point---after the caravan had passed? Before? WhoTF knows about this guy's picture. The same professor who's using the ultra-facile and ultimately patronizing "Chicago has 3 million residents and there's no way 2/3's of them showed up" argument as I have seen others use online? This same Dept. head at U. of C. feels there were maybe 400K at the whole event---LMAO! Yeah, sure. I have no especial reason to believe him and his one-block photo over the the Mayor's Office of Special Events, the CPD, Metra, the CTA, or the OEMC and my own experience.