Now, once you find it, you gotta know how to work it.
Some women like the continuation ot the come here gesture... but they are the minority for the most part. some like you to piston in and out, but again,that isnt a hugely popular way to work it either.
The most common crowd pleaser is the circular massage.
kind of place the inside of your second knuckle and rest it against the inner curve of the pelvic bone. curl and press against the swolen tissue... it kinda has the shape of the inside of the roof of your mouth with a little more give, a oblong dome if you will. massage that in a circular fashion making contact along the length of it as you go with firm pressure.
*pro tip- it isnt like porn. dont jackhammer until you have either really worked up to it or she guides you that direction. And dont chafe the skin. The best results are reached with a minimal sliding of skin on skin- Imagine you have a sore neck and reach back to massage the muscle on the side- you firmly press the skin, and work the muscle in circles without slidingover the skin, instead the contact point of your hand and skin remains static, and you rotate the skin over the muscle. That prevents drying, chafing, and has the added bonus of keeping you locked in to the right spot.
*advanced user pro tip- a little side to side licking with your tongue planted firmly along the length of the clit speeds up the explosion.
*Tired tongue? Once you locate and master g-spot manipulation, your palm can do the work just fine. imagine standing face to face with her. Reach down and hok your fingers and slide em in to the second knuckle.
Imagine you are holding a gallon of milk with your index and middle finger- her pelvic bone is the handle, the flat of your fingers between the second and first knuckle is what the handle is resting on, the fingers on the g-spot. press your palm against the clit. rotate hand in tight, firm circles, and you are hitting the clit and g spot. you will reach the finish line like lightning.
For those ladies that really require in and out action with it, the palm and finger technique also works, you just need to be a bit more active and careful with your hand. Imagine holding a steering wheel at the bottom in your fist. loosen your grip and pull your hand straight back while still maintaining contact, fingers snaking off till you are just holding it with your finger tips... then reverse and re-grip. that is the basic gist of how to maintain gspot pressure in and out style.
Am I gonna get banned for pornography now?