Who Will Be the New GM and Manager? Let’s Have a Contest!

Anno Catuli

World Series Dreaming
Jun 3, 2011
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As the season winds down, the time has come to look to the future, and there are many issues that must be addressed for the 2012 season. Those issues are all well known. The Chicago Cubs must find and name a new General Manager and that General Manager must name a new manager. That is where all the fun will begin, as the General Manager filters through the roster and decides which players should stay and who should be sent packing. However, for the purpose of this blog, I will only be focusing on the first two. That, is where my idea for a contest comes into play.

Every year, I attend the Cubs Convention, and every year I have two extra passes. Normally what I do with those two extra passes is sell them off to a friend or to bring a family member. But with the changes coming in the Cubs organization I have come up with a better idea. Why not hold a contest for the extra two passes? So that is exactly what I am going to do.

The rules are simple, but winning the contest will not be easy. You must answer three questions correctly in a Facebook email to me by Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time in order to win the two passes for the annual kick off to the up coming season. The questions are as follows.

1. When will a new General Manager be officially hired?(within three days)
2. Who will the new General Manager be?
3. Who will be the manager of the Chicago Cubs in 2012

I must be very clear here, so please pay attention. Only ONE (1) person will win the pair of passes for the Cubs Convention. If there are multiple winners, everyone who got all three correct will go into a blind drawing. Whichever name I pull wins the TWO (2) passes for the 2012 Cubs Convention! Just to make things clear, you are only winning the two passes, all other expenses you are responsible for. Hotel fees, traveling, food ect. those are all your responsibility, but I shall supply the passes for you. Simply meet me at the hotel on the date of the event to pick up your passes. If you want to hang out with me during the weekend’s festivities you are more than welcome to.

Now, since there is a chance that more than one of you may get all three questions correct, fear not you are not out of luck just yet. There is a second place prize.

If there are people who have correctly guessed TWO (2) of the THREE (3), you could be one of the TWO (2) people who can win the second place prize, which will be an official World Series Dreaming hat. Everyone who guess two of the three correctly, as well as everyone who got all three right who missed out on the grand prize will also be entered into this drawing.

Then, there is the third place prize. FIVE (5) people will win an Anno Catuli autographed baseball! This is for everyone who guessed ONE (1) of the THREE (3) questions correctly and all those who guessed all THREE (3) questions correctly and TWO (2) of them correctly who missed out on the previous prizes.


You MUST be a friend of Anno Catuli in order to win this contest. (Anno Catuli | Facebook)

Once again, you must answer the following questions in a Facebook email to me.
1. When will a new General Manager be officially hired? (within three days)
2. Who will the new General Manager be?
3. Who will be the manager of the Chicago Cubs in 2012

DO NOT post the answers in the Linked Post on Facebook. This is done in order to prevent people from knowingly copying another person’s guesses. Any guesses made in that thread and not in my Facebook email box WILL BE DELETED

All Entries MUST be received by 11:59 PM Central Standard Time Wednesday September 28, 2011. This is because theoretically everything COULD happen as soon as the Cubs game is over.

Employees, Owners, Administrators Moderators and family of such are not eligible to enter or win. That includes anyone listed as an Admin on the World Series Dreaming page.

That about covers it. Good luck to all who participate!
