Good article although as I understand it, it doesn't seem all that fantastic that the universe exists. Yes matter and antimatter are created in pairs but is it really that odd that asymmetry exists?
One of the linked articles uses as an example of a coin flip where there is a 50/50 chance of it being heads or tails. Well the reality is that even if the odds are exactly equal, if I flipped a coin a billion and one times then that last coin flip will naturally end up being only one or the other. So the fight that matter won out one billion and one to one billion isn't all that surprising to me as few things are absolute.
It just seems like random chance to me and there is probably some universe out there where antimatter won the coin flip and they are organisms made up entirely of antimatter. They just wouldn't be able to enter this universe and we couldn't enter theirs without causing some sort of annihilation. Unless of course we developed a containment suit.
Granted this is just an approximation because matter and antimatter are not really comparable to a coin flip but just using the example the linked article provided.