Wine is fine. Wine-os are the ones to watch out for, because they become this type of person who constantly wants to force their opinion of a very subjective matter onto you.
Unfortunately, there is some truth here. I spent 27 years if the grocery business and ran a wine department for most of it. I also have ownership experience in a package store. I have been "into" wine since the early 90s. I have a wine cellar, traveled to wine regions,blah, blah, blah... I would tell you that, for the most part, the more someone knows about wine the less they try to force an opinion on you. Now, they may say "if you like this then you might like this other wine". But, they're just trying to help and get you more into wine.
There is the stereotype, that all too often plays out to be true, of the arrogant, wealthy, middle aged, white guy who "drinks nothing but the best". And, of course, the "best" is what he likes and is invariably expensive. Sometimes incredibly expensive. Ignore those *******. I've suffered the pain of sitting next these assholes at dozens, if not hundreds, of wine dinners, seminars, tastings, etc.... Great wine is made in France, Italy, California, New Zealand, Oregon, Spain, Portugal, Washington, Australia, Austria, Germany and so on... Yes, some people into wine will tell you that if you aren't drinking from this region or that, i.e., Red Burgundy (100% Pinot Noir) then you aren't drinking good pinot. "You can't make good pinot outside of Burgundy". Which is BS but something that you sometimes have to suffer through.
The best thing you can do if you are getting into wine is find a really good retailer. A good retailer will do their best to sell you wines within your price point and wines that you like. But, like true wine lovers, they are probably going to try to get you to expand your horizons. There is a ocean of good wine out there at all price points, in dozens of styles, from all over the world. And that world is ever expanding, too.
A hangover is a hangover. They are a bit different of course. A beer hangover is different than a wine hangover that is different than a spirits hangover. They all fucking hurt. Drop a couple of Alka-Selzers in a bottle of Gatorade and, if you can keep that down, things will get better!