Don't take this post as a personal rant against you, HT. I promise that it's not. There are a few others on the site who have been drooling over the Atlanta move up north and who share the same sentiments. My position on the whole Atl/Win has been neutral and remains as such. Well, I suppose I would prefer contraction in all honesty but fully realize that's not going to happen, so I remain neutral. I also understand how awful the AS ownership group was.
Ok, start mini-rant: I still don't understand all the love for the Winnipeg Jets. They failed in Winnipeg years ago because the public didn't want to rebuild an arena and the owners wanted to rid themselves of a team that they didn't want without the new arena. Now, I'm not bitching about the representatives not approving the purchase of a new building or putting forth the money to renovate the old one, but to go on about how this area deserves a team back makes me scratch my head. The support wasn't there in turbulent times. There were no prospective owners who wanted to keep the team in Winnipeg. They really were a lost cause then. Will history repeat itself and the team in the 'Peg only be a fad?
I mean, if they had all of this support they have now, they never would have left in the first place. Way too "frontrunning-ish bandwagoning" going on for my taste nowadays. It's probably my age showing.
And, In a way, I completely understand the NHL extorting the Winnipeg fans forcing them to 3 years of season ticket ownership prior to approving the sale of the team there. Still a shitty way of doing things there, NHL.
Ok, finish mini-rant.