11 Year Old My Little Pony Kid Attempts Suicide


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="221575" data-time="1392332081">

To me those who keep reminiscing about highschool are bad, but those who really believe that HS is supposed to be the best time in someone's life *and* try to brainwash the kids coming into highschool about that mistruth are far more insidious.</p>



<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="221631" data-time="1392403555">


But don't get me wrong--if someone had an awesome childhood or adolescence, more power to them--same with young adulthood and beyond. But we're all very different and have had differnet experiences.  Just because you loved a specific time of your life doesn't mean someone else did--nor should they have.</p>


And also don't get me wrong in the fact that even though my experience from 5-18 was less-than-favorable and that I don't like to think back, that it didn't define who I am for good or bad. :icon-smile:</p>

I guess I was just more or less going off of the part above which TSD quoted as being a bit of the extreme as you mentioned, especially when you followed it up with the next part. You basically abolish everyone above, then acknowledge that everyone is different with different experiences below.</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Well, there's 2 on this: </p>


1st:  There's "live every time of your life as if it was the best time of your life" and there's "H.S. (or whatever), is the best time of your life and you're going to (not "may", but "going to" as if it was pre-ordained) be so sad and dissapointed when it's all over."  I have no problems with the former.  The latter fall into a similar category of "Those who reminisce about the Good Ol' Days probably sat at the front of the bus."</p>



2nd:  I think i needed to qualify what I meant a bit better.  There are those that go back to their H.S. days because it was a good time in life--and whether or not life got worse for them since, they realize that time have changed and they have moved beyond and can look at those that they know/knew from back then as they are now.  They're fine with me.  But, then you have the people that can't.  The ones who, in spite of barely being able to hold employment or a decent relationship, still look down on those they deemed "less cool".  The ones who whine and ***** why the only people that are attracted to them are "complete losers" in spite of them being fat, having horrible kids, and no gainful employment, and can't wrep their head around how I--or others who were socially maladjusted have decent employment and take care of themselves got a great, attractive husband or wife, have good kids, and are doing okay for themselves--and still treat them as if they're noting.

Those types are the sad types that I try to avoid and successfuly have avoided.</p>
