So I know there's a thread on Chicago Violence, but I happened to be a part of it on Saturday..
Me and some buddies decided to go bar hopping in Wrigleyville Saturday night. We left one bar and walked across the street to the other side of Clark Street. As we were walking a group of African Americans were walking past us yelling things at people. One of them decided to walk up to me and punch me in the right eye when I wasn't looking at him. I hit the ground for a second and got right up. I looked around and all I see is their group of friends running away and my friends chasing after them. A lady approached me and asked if I was okay, besides a sore eye and a scrap on my elbow I was fine. She said I did nothing wrong and that the man just walked up to me and cheap shotted me and proceeded to laugh about it. Then she said they all ran when my friend said something to them. I got up and found my friends along with about 10 mexican people yelling at these guys The group of guys that hit me then ran off before the cops got 4 of them. The cops did get the one that hit me.
The guy that hit me was a big guy about 6'3, 250 pounds from what my friends were telling me. Surprisngly I didn't have a black eye, but it's pretty red and sore.
I had to talk to the cops about everything. Apparently they were doing it all night long to people, and even broke a persons jaw. The article says there were 4 victims. I'm the 22 year old one. But we saw another guy get attacked and his face was busted up pretty bad. He didn't go to the cops for a reason I have no idea.