I have Vanguard's managed services group handle my portfolio. You could do it yourself as there are many forums and books on creating your own Vanguard portfolio. But Vanguard as got the managed services fee down to 30 basis points for mid to large profile customers. My manager is located in Boston and I don't miss having someone local. In the past i have had Fisher Investments and 2 others handle my account over the last 20 years.
IMO, I don't want to handle making the choices myself anymore. 15 years ago I was semi-daytrading and making my own choices. Some days I would make $200k and others I would lose almost the same amount. Finally decided to let the pros do it. It was too hectic on my life.
You can have a 45 min to 1 hour review quarterly. they give your entire financial life a review as part of setting up the account so they account for your short and long term goals in a plan. So you get free financial planning. You also can listen into their quarterly market report on line. The information from that report and what your manager provides is more than you and your wife could gather on your own. For a lousy 30 basis points you put the pressure on them to justify their choices for your portfolio rather than you trying to jusitfy your own choices.
My return with Vanguard is 3% greater than the last firm I was with. There is a reason they are the largest mutual fund company in the world
Here is a review of the Vanguard Professional Advisor Services program
In this review, SmartAsset's investment experts analyze the Vanguard Personal Advisor Services robo-advisor. Learn more here.