4k Desktop Monitors?

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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No 1 cares or is reading any of that autismo garbage

Go work on your ccs lawsuit dork 😂😂😂


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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A fun tip for monitor issues.

Sometimes its a bad (HDMI) cable.

They do go bad.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

impulse control, amirite? did ye hit yo planting seeds quota today, efarmer?

you know whats okay though, this 4k experience. i use to 4k on a 2060... before going 1440p ultrawide.. i regretted giving up me 32" 4k for it at the time, but fam needed a new monitor.. so i gave em mine and took the ultrawide.. i did like the ultrawide exp so it wasnt a total loss..... just going from 4k to 1440p was meh.. i def noticed the res drop... made me stack a 4k 28" over me ultrawide

Peeps always be like unless u gotz a 90999090 series card you cant 4k... them 90 series need dlss/fsr at 4k with RT on....

member when 60 fps on 60 hz was the golden standard.. well shit... member when the gtx 1080 was the ultimate 4k card..

when looking at me library of games theres only a few unoptimized triple AAAs that gonna shit on me gpu.. its probably like that in most ppls gaming library, but those 4-5 out of 3-500 games scares them i guess m8. i guess turning down settings or resolution be too hard....

those same few games gonna shit on 90 series cards to a degree.

def no way m8 gonna play minesweeper at 4k....


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
@Chief Walking Stick continuing on wiff 4 DeSktOp MoNiTors, i now have an extra 32" and 28" 4k 60hzs.. gave the fam the 3440x1440p ultrawide...

what to do wiff those extra 4k DEsKtOP moNiTOrs? keep one, sell one?

im thinking i could remove me desk hutch, push the 43" closer to the wall, then move monitor arm with 28" 4k that was stacked over the 3440x1440p... maybe move it to the side and then vertical it next to the 43" 4k dEsKtOp MoniTOr. if they were the same size i could vertical both to the sides for shits and giggles, amirite.

but do i need a dual setup with a 43" as me main.. dual is always useful for thangs fo show... idk.. let me know.. WWCWSD?


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

interesting take... wouldnt have thought of that.. ill take it into me future considerations.. no rush atm.. will update what i do in a year or so.. but will def keep that in mindz.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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But what about 8K desktop monitors?


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
But what about 8K desktop monitors?

ive seen 8k tvs locally, only seen 8k monitors on the line.

did want a curved 5k2k but 2-3x $$ vs this 43" 4k. which does have ultrawide mode. but noticed the resolution options change in the couple of games i tried it on. one offered 3440x1440p and the other was at 1600p.

what i do notice though.. no want to really go UW with a 43" panel roughly 2 feet in front of me face. havent played a shooter though.. if i were being competitive maybe UW then. do like the larger screen.

plan is to remove the desk hutch eventually and push the screen back another 1/2- 1 foot. 2 feet is the bare minimum id go...

once i remove said hutch and open the wall behind it, itll open the space for up for up to a 65" one day if i ever want bigger. may dual one of my extra 4k panels. if i remove shelves on wall.. well 85"+ or 4k projector eh....

most 4k titles im playing pushing well above 60fps so the 120-144hz keeps them smooth as. some native, some dlss..

regardless, been a great upgrade for an actual desk/office set up.. sold some plastic things on hutch. basically paid for monitor already with junk im getting rid of.

if only OLED didnt burn in.... i would have went that route.

i did get around to setting up netflix etc for its smart tv self but havent used it as a smart TV... can just run content from desktop if its all that..

speakers are okay for vocals.. it can get loud... bass is meh too low i dont even know its there but can hear some bass.... but stock panel speakers.. however good enough to switch between pc source and tv source without having to worry about audio set ups..

could upgrade to bluetooth speakers to make audio transition better using one decent speaker system.. can pull out audio receiver from garage and do it that way and go back at least 5.1 or just put 2.1 cord into tv as is with my 2.1 speakers now.... will only really need audio from panel for ps4 though.. can BT headphone it from the panel or headphone it from ps4 controller. if i used panel as a daily tv would look into a better speaker solution. still though better than other tv speakers ive exp in the past.. kills any monitor speakers ive ever had..
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Are you okay?

cleary mo betta than youse two.

also, if no one reads me threads, how come this shit thread be gots like nearly 800 clicks?

jyall two k logic be dated yo. but daily e-farming, amirite... sounds thrilling
