7 Days to Die


Aug 21, 2012
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I play with a group of people on a dedicated server....we are currently on day 45......a few players are opposing us and try and raid us occasionally. I have 2 other people in our hold.....we currently have a concrete/steel building with an outer wall, a moat and an inner wall. We have a sniper tower in the center that I usually man; especially during the 7th day. Inside the moat we have metal spikes and automated bladed fans that activate upon enemy approach; either zombie or unfriendly player.

We are now in the process of creating several turrets to attack anything that makes it through the first wall and the moat.


ive done horde 84 and 91.. i did 84 at the old everyday base and 91 at me new 7th day horde base.

84 was loaded with a lot of radiated zombies i had been calling infected. i didnt shoot one to see how far it would survive through spikes. they will lose legs but after that the regular spikes dont really do shat to them, they will just crawl through them destroying them.

91 was meh. tons of cops but not one single radiated zombie for some reason. but it was a steady stream of zombies til 4 am. i may have seen a new zombie type in there but im not sure. there were a couple of decent loot drops in the remains. i need to put up lights.. night vision is good but if its not perfecting outside at night its blurry.. during the initial rush of zombies its really fuzzy, but i can still see their outline.. around 12-2 it clears up fine.

i dont have me outer defenses in place there. i was building a wall but i dont want one in a traditional sense. im going to destroy what i built and build a wall to funnel the zombies on each of the four sides rather than use walls to keep them out. experimented with barb wire.. while it isint great, its good enough to slow down zombies for head shots.

i still havent put up me inner blade traps. i can craft my own mechanical parts now. i forget there was a perk option for that. anyway, i have the material but havent got around to it. i just wanted to see how the base would handle a night as is. how far the zombies spawned from the kill zone etc. they never made it past the start of me inner defenses. but i was shooting arrows at the zombies the whole time. n sniping the cops wiff bullets.. the inner layer is thick..

i built a tower fo show.. im not sure how high it is.. may take a screen shot at sum point..four levels to shoot from.. it would make a good structure for a four man team. i did find double stacking cage railing to be annoying.. gets in the way of me view a tad.. a single rail will do.. idk why i built a two high rails.... level 1 and 3 are protruding cages you can shoot below your feet. 2 is just shooting out open spaces. 4 is a high nest perfect for a sniper shooting at distance and at outer defenses.. its not good for shooting at inner defense level..


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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you only handed me da joint, i decided to take a toke. i had the addition from da minecraft.. its been years since i put in hundreds and hundreds of hours into that game.. so its refreshing to play a similar game after such a long break. i cant bring myself to ever go back to minecraft. it held me due to the creative aspect but combat n the bit graphics sucked.

only played 7d2d for an hour today and i think thats it..going to normal game hours......i just scouted out locations near me base so i can make a horde day base. it wont take long to build a structure.. i already have 20k block rebar and 20-30k of cement just sitting there ready to go....

i tried going to the nearby winter biome and what seems like the the tallest point on the map.. but most of the top of the mountain is snow and dirt and i would have to dig out a lot to reinforce it. goal is to build a small tower surrounded with pits and maybe a small wall to slow them in spikes..

i did just find out there are snowballs in the game.. managed to collect 6000 fairly easy shoveling. 1 snowball can make 1 jar or can of water in the campfire. i generally only refill water once every few weeks and started that under ground pool as reserves.. now i wont have to collect water forever. unless it melts and turns to something else in storage.. will find out..

Imagine if you, me, or anyone spent hundreds of hours teaching our kids how to punt a football. Wed all be rich.


Imagine if you, me, or anyone spent hundreds of hours teaching our kids how to punt a football. Wed all be rich.

By the time me kid is nfl kicker rich ill be dead. but no worries..he already has it betta than i did growing up and he owns this house.. all he has to do is work at mcdonalds the rest of his life and stay away from gold diggas and he'll be set.


speaking of hundo mark.. past that about 46 hours ago. talk about binge gaming for days on end. i game, spend time with kid.. cook dinner and game.. im nearly finished playing this game. ive basically beat it in a sense... too much ammo.. too much food.. too much everythang..

day 112 horde is tomar. my horde base defense are nearly complete. i still haven't built the very inner defenses. this is mostly due to the fact im bored with building large setups, plus im preoccupied with exploring. my funnel technique didn't work last horde week, nor the week prior. the ai pathfinding accounts for traps it seems and 80% of the zombies took a longer route breaking through unprotected walls instead of taking a straight line through the boom.. however, this week i did manged to add other defense to said walls and i will see if that make the ai choose the funnels over the other get fucked areas.

this base is overkill as is. with a powerful arsenal the zombies have no chance, at least not at this stage of the game. i can make rocket launcher ammo now, soooo boom goes the dynamitez..

im done collecting resources for the most part. im not hording more shat than needed. all i look for is coal and nitrate for the most part and reup wood.. i have tons of most thangs..... basically im just stockpiling shit to make more and more ammo

i make 7.62 rounds and save those for horde day. i dont make 9mm at all, i normally just collect those. i do make a lot of shotgun shells. shells dont require brass, so its not a bad weapon to use as a daily grinder. ive been having to carry one when entering buildings. im running into irradiated zombies, footballers and running day zombies in buildings from time to time.. idk if thats a bug in my game, but i thought they only ran at night.

if im not going inside buildings im taking out day zombies with me blade.. will even take on day hordes with just a blade. they are either too easy to kill or some buggy zombies become tanks. zombie bears are being spawned on me a lot.. talk about shotgun sponges. but im building up that perk and will destroy all soon enough.

built up a bank of money selling drawbridges and stockpiles of resources the last few weeks. that shit combined with treasure hauls im sitting at 150k or so. thats after buying 7 20k+ solar panels as well.

idk what im going to do with the solar set up. im waiting for a second solar bank so i can test one and not worry if i cant move the first bank later.

ptp.. the wooden spikes are still king... especially when ur armed up..

one could just build a lil 2x2 tower, hell even a 1 block tower.... maybe even a tree house thats high enough to see the enemies and then surround it with 1000s of spikes and youre good to go if you can aim and take out the cops and radiated zombies.. or you could just build cheap ai fuckinig fall traps..

best loot area is the bank in the nw corner of the stock map. tons of safes.. idk when the map respawns loot but it does.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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speaking of hundo mark.. past that about 46 hours ago. talk about binge gaming for days on end. i game, spend time with kid.. cook dinner and game.. im nearly finished playing this game. ive basically beat it in a sense... too much ammo.. too much food.. too much everythang..

day 112 horde is tomar. my horde base defense are nearly complete. i still haven't built the very inner defenses. this is mostly due to the fact im bored with building large setups, plus im preoccupied with exploring. my funnel technique didn't work last horde week, nor the week prior. the ai pathfinding accounts for traps it seems and 80% of the zombies took a longer route breaking through unprotected walls instead of taking a straight line through the boom.. however, this week i did manged to add other defense to said walls and i will see if that make the ai choose the funnels over the other get fucked areas.

this base is overkill as is. with a powerful arsenal the zombies have no chance, at least not at this stage of the game. i can make rocket launcher ammo now, soooo boom goes the dynamitez..

im done collecting resources for the most part. im not hording more shat than needed. all i look for is coal and nitrate for the most part and reup wood.. i have tons of most thangs..... basically im just stockpiling shit to make more and more ammo

i make 7.62 rounds and save those for horde day. i dont make 9mm at all, i normally just collect those. i do make a lot of shotgun shells. shells dont require brass, so its not a bad weapon to use as a daily grinder. ive been having to carry one when entering buildings. im running into irradiated zombies, footballers and running day zombies in buildings from time to time.. idk if thats a bug in my game, but i thought they only ran at night.

if im not going inside buildings im taking out day zombies with me blade.. will even take on day hordes with just a blade. they are either too easy to kill or some buggy zombies become tanks. zombie bears are being spawned on me a lot.. talk about shotgun sponges. but im building up that perk and will destroy all soon enough.

built up a bank of money selling drawbridges and stockpiles of resources the last few weeks. that shit combined with treasure hauls im sitting at 150k or so. thats after buying 7 20k+ solar panels as well.

idk what im going to do with the solar set up. im waiting for a second solar bank so i can test one and not worry if i cant move the first bank later.

ptp.. the wooden spikes are still king... especially when ur armed up..

one could just build a lil 2x2 tower, hell even a 1 block tower.... maybe even a tree house thats high enough to see the enemies and then surround it with 1000s of spikes and youre good to go if you can aim and take out the cops and radiated zombies.. or you could just build cheap ai fuckinig fall traps..

best loot area is the bank in the nw corner of the stock map. tons of safes.. idk when the map respawns loot but it does.

Not a bug.... they are called feral zombies.... a feral version of a zombie always runs in default settings and they are tougher than their normal counterpart.

Their eyes look orange if you happen to look one down long enough.

I was deconstructing a car outside a shop the other day and zombies started banging on the door, breaking it down.

Usually 2-3 sleepers wake up and either take too long to break the door down, so I am gone by the time they get out or they break it down as I'm finishing the car off and I just dispatch them as they wander over.

This was 3 feral zombies lol.... they had the door broken down as I finished stage 1 of this car.

They came running out at me and I switched to my sniper rifle (I've stopped carrying sniper out when I scavenge for this reason).... and the sniper zoom had been left all the way zoomed in lol.... so I couldn't use it aiming down the scope, not to mention they were so fast I had maybe 3 seconds before they were on me.

I switched to my machete and backed up and found a regular skater punk zombie had come to join the party, he gave me a whack and I began bleeding (a reason to work on your armor).... so I slashed him down with the machete and began sprint back-pedaling away from the ferals.

I switched back to my sniper and had to hip shoot the first 2.... the 3rd one was bugged spinning in circles by the front door they came out of. Once on their back stunned I had time to aim and unzoom and kill one, then I had to hip fire on the 2nd one as he got up and rushed me and he died. Then I wasted 4 rounds tried to peg the bugged zombie in her dome as she glitched like a mofo.

Last I sniped the approaching skater punk zombie who had made it back to his feet.

Ferals make things interesting when you're out and about.... but I now carry a shotgun with buckshot to deal with short range encounters and also to level my shotty skills.

A 9mm also works fine and the ammo is similarly cheap to make alot of, but my pistol skill is like 40 pts higher than my shotty skill.

Aussie if you are lacking brass you should be running around deconstructing every car at any stage... the car radiator smelts into 100 brass... it is the best source in the game.... I have like 50 of them in my pile.... the only pain is you can only stack 5 of them so only 5 in a smelt pile and they take like 70 seconds per smelt, so they don't go fast, but are not slow enough to leave a pile of them and go off to do other stuff like when you drop a stack of iron or stone or clay.

I usually try to smelt my bronze while im in my work area crafting and organizing and skill spending.


Not a bug.... they are called feral zombies.... a feral version of a zombie always runs in default settings and they are tougher than their normal counterpart.

Their eyes look orange if you happen to look one down long enough.

I was deconstructing a car outside a shop the other day and zombies started banging on the door, breaking it down.

Usually 2-3 sleepers wake up and either take too long to break the door down, so I am gone by the time they get out or they break it down as I'm finishing the car off and I just dispatch them as they wander over.

This was 3 feral zombies lol.... they had the door broken down as I finished stage 1 of this car.

They came running out at me and I switched to my sniper rifle (I've stopped carrying sniper out when I scavenge for this reason).... and the sniper zoom had been left all the way zoomed in lol.... so I couldn't use it aiming down the scope, not to mention they were so fast I had maybe 3 seconds before they were on me.

I switched to my machete and backed up and found a regular skater punk zombie had come to join the party, he gave me a whack and I began bleeding (a reason to work on your armor).... so I slashed him down with the machete and began sprint back-pedaling away from the ferals.

I switched back to my sniper and had to hip shoot the first 2.... the 3rd one was bugged spinning in circles by the front door they came out of. Once on their back stunned I had time to aim and unzoom and kill one, then I had to hip fire on the 2nd one as he got up and rushed me and he died. Then I wasted 4 rounds tried to peg the bugged zombie in her dome as she glitched like a mofo.

Last I sniped the approaching skater punk zombie who had made it back to his feet.

Ferals make things interesting when you're out and about.... but I now carry a shotgun with buckshot to deal with short range encounters and also to level my shotty skills.

A 9mm also works fine and the ammo is similarly cheap to make alot of, but my pistol skill is like 40 pts higher than my shotty skill.

Aussie if you are lacking brass you should be running around deconstructing every car at any stage... the car radiator smelts into 100 brass... it is the best source in the game.... I have like 50 of them in my pile.... the only pain is you can only stack 5 of them so only 5 in a smelt pile and they take like 70 seconds per smelt, so they don't go fast, but are not slow enough to leave a pile of them and go off to do other stuff like when you drop a stack of iron or stone or clay.

I usually try to smelt my bronze while im in my work area crafting and organizing and skill spending.

ferals.. okay then.. makes sense, i thought it was a bug..

i have plenty of bronze, im just stingy with it and me ammo. theres about 5k brass sitting in a furnace and about another 3k in storage container.. i basically got 5k 7.62 rounds stocked. theres about 2k worth of 9mm bullets that i dont even use. i just collect it.. i do buy 9mm and 7.62 from time to time if the trader has a stack and i happen to have me coins on me. my best gun is actually that 9mm smg at 515 but i dont touch it. got about 200 rocket rounds now, idk how many imma build.. ....

i finally used the launcher last horde night since i was able to build them this week...its almost cheating.. ....

my problem is nitrate. i hadnt been making it a goal to collect it in bulk individually, so im behind there. ive have about 7k of gun powder in reserve and id like to get that number up to 20k while building tons of ammo/mines..

i just starting mining for nitrate.. im not impressed.. seems like it was faster getting nitrate just busting those small boulders vs finding an actual nitrate vain and mining it. it took forever to find the nitrate vain im working on now.. i think ive taken about 6k worth out of it. i only found it the other day and worked it for a few hours.. im not sure how much is down there..

found some old mining cabin in the desert that had a couple of gold/silver rocks to bust.. idk if it has more inside it.. i only looked around one night and havent been back.. i havent seen any more elsewhere. i have a few iron ore mines, a coal, oil shell and nitrate and havent ran into gold/silver/diamonds once.

what horde day u on?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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ferals.. okay then.. makes sense, i thought it was a bug..

i have plenty of bronze, im just stingy with it and me ammo. theres about 5k brass sitting in a furnace and about another 3k in storage container.. i basically got 5k 7.62 rounds stocked. theres about 2k worth of 9mm bullets that i dont even use. i just collect it.. i do buy 9mm and 7.62 from time to time if the trader has a stack and i happen to have me coins on me. my best gun is actually that 9mm smg at 515 but i dont touch it. got about 200 rocket rounds now, idk how many imma build.. ....

i finally used the launcher last horde night since i was able to build them this week...its almost cheating.. ....

my problem is nitrate. i hadnt been making it a goal to collect it in bulk individually, so im behind there. ive have about 7k of gun powder in reserve and id like to get that number up to 20k while building tons of ammo/mines..

i just starting mining for nitrate.. im not impressed.. seems like it was faster getting nitrate just busting those small boulders vs finding an actual nitrate vain and mining it. it took forever to find the nitrate vain im working on now.. i think ive taken about 6k worth out of it. i only found it the other day and worked it for a few hours.. im not sure how much is down there..

found some old mining cabin in the desert that had a couple of gold/silver rocks to bust.. idk if it has more inside it.. i only looked around one night and havent been back.. i havent seen any more elsewhere. i have a few iron ore mines, a coal, oil shell and nitrate and havent ran into gold/silver/diamonds once.

what horde day u on?

I am on day 60 in my game.... so 63 will be my next blood moon horde.

Lol I play alot on weekends, but usually like 1 hr a night during the week.... im at work all day.

With all that ammo you should work on building a badass turret setup around your entire perimeter.... autoturrets eat a shitload of 9mm.... shotgun turrets I would use less of and put those on like ground level with your walls but have like an autoturret on every other block around your entire perimeter then feed them a ton of 9mm.

That is the goal for my base right now, I wanna have it where I have a fully automated defense system.... moat with spikes and blade traps.... blade traps up to the wall and on the bottom of the wall, then auoturrets either top of the wall or mid-wall all the way around.... need to be reachable so you can access to stock with ammo and manipulate them.... and do outer and inner wall all the way around so even if they spawn inside they get lit up.

It will take me a shitload of resources to build all that and have enough power around the entire perimeter.... I want to get it eventually to a setup of just full battery banks feeding the guns and motion sensors for the blade traps and the banks will be connected to solar power that charge them during the day and then have generators adding power to the system with switches I can flip to have them charge the battery banks as well if the need arises... oh and wire it so I can configure the system around the entire perimeter all from switches in my main base and/or timer relays for like spotlights at night.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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This sounds like a prepper-type game.


I am on day 60 in my game.... so 63 will be my next blood moon horde.

Lol I play alot on weekends, but usually like 1 hr a night during the week.... im at work all day.

With all that ammo you should work on building a badass turret setup around your entire perimeter.... autoturrets eat a shitload of 9mm.... shotgun turrets I would use less of and put those on like ground level with your walls but have like an autoturret on every other block around your entire perimeter then feed them a ton of 9mm.

That is the goal for my base right now, I wanna have it where I have a fully automated defense system.... moat with spikes and blade traps.... blade traps up to the wall and on the bottom of the wall, then auoturrets either top of the wall or mid-wall all the way around.... need to be reachable so you can access to stock with ammo and manipulate them.... and do outer and inner wall all the way around so even if they spawn inside they get lit up.

It will take me a shitload of resources to build all that and have enough power around the entire perimeter.... I want to get it eventually to a setup of just full battery banks feeding the guns and motion sensors for the blade traps and the banks will be connected to solar power that charge them during the day and then have generators adding power to the system with switches I can flip to have them charge the battery banks as well if the need arises... oh and wire it so I can configure the system around the entire perimeter all from switches in my main base and/or timer relays for like spotlights at night.

dis be me job the last two weeks. i should have recorded n released a video series to try n monetize me gameplay..

i have turrets and fan blades, but i just haven't placed them. spikes and me gun are doing the job.

horde 112 came and went, it was okay. it was much better that the horde the week before which had a spawning issue it seemed. zombies lost their legs and were just crawling in circles in ditches and it slowed the spawn rate.

the funnels worked better but they still attack the walls for the most part. they finally busted through one row of wall about 230-3 am. the irradiated zombies who lost their legs were digging at the wall and i couldnt see them. they still never made it past me initial inner defenses.. i noticed they spawned endless irradiated cops who seemed juiced up. i think the AI account for the perimeter defense and was trying to blow holes into it. it may have worked but i kept sniping em before they had a chance to do any damage.

found a exploit in the game.

i was making snow and seeing if i could melt it over fire in a block bed to make a pool but it didnt work. but when i dug up the snow block back i got 26 snowballs. idk if this is due to all my perks being built up, but it only takes 12 snowballs to make 1 block of snow. sooo yeah.. infinite water.

think i may be done until they release those behemoth in the game

This sounds like a prepper-type game.

yeah it is in ways.. cept you also got prep for zombie attacks every 7 days. theres no basic hiding and minding your own business. i think i did see a video showing a specific depth dug from high mountain top will hide you on horde days. apparently going to the bottom of the map from high up in the air will have enough blocks between you and the zombies. if you start digging from low level areas the trick wont work.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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When is it coming out? Reading this thread makes it sound pretty interesting.


only played a lil yesterday and a lil today so far, so i havent hit me daily 1 or 2 horde night yet.

im come to the conclusion that mining coal and nitrate just isnt worth the hassle. its nice once you find vains but it just doesnt net enough for the time spent finding them then mining. imo you are much better off just riding around busting up those small boulders for coal, iron, nitrate, lead and rock. plus any other surface ore and burnt trees for eveen more coal.. oil shell is a different story but i havent really sought it out, because im not using it atm... just stacking what i do have for future use when needed.... .. ive come across it on the surface and mined a lil when looking for nitrate.

on the other hand, iron ore is worth mining. sure its in those boulders and normal rock. but the amount you can get in iron veins makes the effort worth it. iron is used for alot of things but i also sell the shit out of it. a 6000 stack of normal iron is nearing 5k with me perks up. i built that naturally by selling/buying, i didnt waste points on them.

a single trader will buy 2-3 stacks at a time and then will take 2-3 more every few days. so its beneficial to hit up more than one trader when selling shit. i have a sell day where ill ride to 4 traders and sell iron stacks and drawbridges and whatever misc shit i got. if you do this every 3-4 days youll have coins built up in no time if you arent spending it. im spending though.. i have 14 solar panels and 4 solar banks now.

the time needed to get the ore for those 8 stacks is just a couple of game hours at night mining a iron ore vain.. you do need to smelt it and produce though. once you get a system down youll have tons of the shit stacking..

traders are open from 6:05-2200. if im at one at 6:05, i have enough time in the day to ride to the four i know of and search around for awhile between shops and still be back around my base area by 16-2000.. there may be other things worth selling but i find getting iron very easy so i sell things iron based. ive sold concrete, bulletproof glass, fertilizer etc etc but it didnt seem worth it once you weighed the time it took to make da shit..

i had 6 forges but after i stopped cement production i got rid of the two that made cement 24/7, i was using them to build iron too but i got tired of the extra lil grind and had a huge surplus of iron already. 2 of the 4 i have left now run 24/7 smelting iron ore and producing iron. the other two forges i use as needed as they are my main ones full of most resources.. one has brass while the other doesnt.... sometimes i run them all day to produce various things but i generally have them smelting something..

making a second bike finally paid off.. i got blown up across the map fighting a glitched respawning irradiated cop and it was nice not having to run back across the map to get me shit. but i eventually had to run across to get me second bike back... i wasted so much ammo on that pig.. it kept respawing after death so i wasted all night trying to build up some gun levels.. in retrospect.. it wasnt worth the ammo spent for meaningless kills......


yeah i think im done for awhile.. they be killing me creativity..

my main area base and horde base is in the ne in the forest biome on the edge of the snow one. i thought about making another diagonally across the map in the SE desert to make exploring that region easier with stay overs.

anyway.. i went and did a test with snow blocks i made. i was going to make like a smaller geodesic greenhouse dome structure/ tower etc but blocked with cubed glass instead of triangles... i was going to fill the ground inside with snow to see if i could get air conditioning from that.. no can do.. it doesnt work. i made ai lil structure... dug down and filled with snow. i even surrounded me body with snow and nuffin.. the only cooling factor one gets is the normal one from being indoors.

wanted to set up a huge solar array there and have those better defenses.. but no.. no can do..

the only thing i could do for that cooling is make a pool house.. a house full of water and walk around in it.... but nah..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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yeah i think im done for awhile.. they be killing me creativity..

my main area base and horde base is in the ne in the forest biome on the edge of the snow one. i thought about making another diagonally across the map in the SE desert to make exploring that region easier with stay overs.

anyway.. i went and did a test with snow blocks i made. i was going to make like a smaller geodesic greenhouse dome structure/ tower etc but blocked with cubed glass instead of triangles... i was going to fill the ground inside with snow to see if i could get air conditioning from that.. no can do.. it doesnt work. i made ai lil structure... dug down and filled with snow. i even surrounded me body with snow and nuffin.. the only cooling factor one gets is the normal one from being indoors.

wanted to set up a huge solar array there and have those better defenses.. but no.. no can do..

the only thing i could do for that cooling is make a pool house.. a house full of water and walk around in it.... but nah..

The devs still have so much to add/tune in this game.... imagine what it may look like when they finish a 1.0 version lol


The devs still have so much to add/tune in this game.... imagine what it may look like when they finish a 1.0 version lol

i just hit the wall is all.... considering the amount of hours i put in the last two weeks it should be expected. if they tune the game more, that snow would probably melt into sod or something. idk how much i would actually explore with that base, it was more about spending time being creative to keep gamin i guess. the combat to me is boring at this point. once you get tons of everything and start to lvl up, there really isnt a point to search out material or gear

wish one could carry more inventory. i can carry 50k+ of metal but i cant carry 50 different things.. hahah.. games yo

now if they limited resources or raised the weapon/armour/guns even higher, some super rare gear etc... that would make it worth exploring more at this point i guess. at the same time, it is a game and if they limit shit too much, ppl wouldnt want to play it.

i wish there were more goals aside from just prepping to survive horde day. at this point to me, i find horde day a chore and a nuisance. i hate cleaning up the zombies after the fact now. i just search for decent gear and leave the rest n bodies laying. in the last 5 or 6 hordes there hasnt really been anything great in the loot drops. one **** had dirt... dirt..

game does need tuning and some other goal designs etc etc but its been worth the price paid and then some.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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i just hit the wall is all.... considering the amount of hours i put in the last two weeks it should be expected. if they tune the game more, that snow would probably melt into sod or something. idk how much i would actually explore with that base, it was more about spending time being creative to keep gamin i guess. the combat to me is boring at this point. once you get tons of everything and start to lvl up, there really isnt a point to search out material or gear

wish one could carry more inventory. i can carry 50k+ of metal but i cant carry 50 different things.. hahah.. games yo

now if they limited resources or raised the weapon/armour/guns even higher, some super rare gear etc... that would make it worth exploring more at this point i guess. at the same time, it is a game and if they limit shit too much, ppl wouldnt want to play it.

i wish there were more goals aside from just prepping to survive horde day. at this point to me, i find horde day a chore and a nuisance. i hate cleaning up the zombies after the fact now. i just search for decent gear and leave the rest n bodies laying. in the last 5 or 6 hordes there hasnt really been anything great in the loot drops. one **** had dirt... dirt..

game does need tuning and some other goal designs etc etc but its been worth the price paid and then some.

You should check out some of the mods out there and amp up your own difficulty level.... make the zombies as hard as they can be... lower your daylight hours and up your night time hours. Get rid of airdrops.... make loot as scarce as possible.

You are gathering an insane amount of resources which makes the game too easy... but if you find yourself struggling to gather enough resources to survive, the game might become more fun.

There's a mod alot of people like called Starvation.... might want to give it a look.


You should check out some of the mods out there and amp up your own difficulty level.... make the zombies as hard as they can be... lower your daylight hours and up your night time hours. Get rid of airdrops.... make loot as scarce as possible.

You are gathering an insane amount of resources which makes the game too easy... but if you find yourself struggling to gather enough resources to survive, the game might become more fun.

There's a mod alot of people like called Starvation.... might want to give it a look.

airdrops have been ass for me for a long time.

they were cool in the early game, but now its not worth the effort. if the drop doesnt look close i dont even go looking. airdrops are one of the things that got me in trouble in the early game. id always quit whatever i was doing and go sprinting for it. at times without weapons etc if i was building something and id end up running into wolves with my tanked stamina. its a lot easier now with a bike and high ass stamina if im on foot for whatever reason.

i do run in to some airdrops ive missed from time to time while wandering the map.. those are nice finds but like i said, the loot has been shit for ages.

you could limit some resources to make the game harder but if you went veg and just ate veg stew youd be just fine. once you can grow food you dont have to go looking for that if you dont want to. i have tons of meat though. anytime i saw anything id stop whatever i was doing n kill it. a pack of wolves, while dangerous, is a lot of meat.

if i limited resources it may be harder in a sense, but itll just make the grind even worse.. cause i would still grind for them.. i grinded for nearly 100 of the 160 hours im in at now as is.. even when i didnt need to.. im actually building a desert base now with concrete i produced a long time ago. i should have planned before building because this base is getting big.. idk y i felt the need to add a greenhouse and a indoor pool. the pit around it is big.. it would take 24 fans on two sides and another 12 covering the other sides if i wanted fans before they dropped 10 blocks onto spikes.

maybe i should start a creative game to test shit out first. or design another base.. idk know why im even going op with dis base.. i just wanted a safe storage facility across the map..

the only way to make it hard hard now.. is to start over and change shit before starting a new game.. make it a random map.. change those daylight hours, mods etc etc.. but i cant start over.. the grind was real and i cant do that again..

finally hit horde 119 and then kept playing til 126 last night cause i was building.. 119 was better.. it had tons of irradiated zombie compared to 126 and its lack of irradiated for some reason. it may have had 12-15 total.. there seems to be some sort of spawning issue from time to time.. idk what causes this..

the combat is always the same though.. expect for the random spawning inside me walls.. i just snipe until they finally break through the wall about 1-2 am.. then i hit the shit out of them with exploding arrows in the hole on the wall for awhile.. finally some irradiated will come in from another side and get stuck in spikes and will be slow enough for easy headshots and then i may clean up regular zombies with shitty arrows if i dont let the spikes do it.....

119 was good because it had 15-20 irradiated cops blowing up all over the place taking out spikes and walls and there was still handfuls of other irradiated zombies... but spawns are weird and glitchy.. they still didnt make it past the start of my inner defenses. spikes and a 400+ sniper rifle = op...
