Completely false. You are completely ignorant on the issue. My job within my company involves me bidding work to these engineers and contractors on a daily basis nationwide and in Canada. You have no idea how these contracts are set up and no idea the red tape unions set up in to get themselves jobs. There are jobs in cities like Chicago, NY, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and on and on that the materials and product on site being installed must be union made, let alone if the labor/contractors must be.
You're clueless. Do yourself a favor and go away before I continue to make you look foolish.
BTW, my company has product in Wrigley Field and I'm familiar with the work taking place now. I'll also be doing a job in Green Bay soon as well.
But just keep talking out of your ass.
Hey, no reason to turn into an asshole, you can have a debate without telling someone they are clueless. I am not clueless i have been in the union for 5 years now. I don't see all of the bidding in's and out's but I know how it works. The "red tape" I'm guessing is having the Architect or Engineer require that the person and product is certified for installation.
Usually in those cases then product or job is a more difficult one and they want the work done by someone who has put in the required 4-6 years of class time and been taught exactly the correct way to do it.
One other thing the cities you mentioned are all strong union towns. Besides a handful of other cities most the unions do not have a stranglehold on jobs. In my 5 years i have been on 1 union only job. And it was a hospital where they don't take chances on it being done wrong. If something fails because a guy was not trained properly at a hospital it could be a huge problem.
I'm sure you will come back with, "your stupid" "shut up" I'm way smarter then you blast... You live where the union is strong, check into it in other places and you will see different. Here in Iowa its "right to work" unless its hospital its all about the bid.