[A] Sugar Ray KO's Crawford


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Ray Emery will start his 3rd game in a row for the Blackhawks; knocking Corey Crawford out of the crease in 4 of the last 5 games.

Emery, 29, has put together a great effort during this stretch with a .943 save percentage (SV%) and a 1.57 goals against average (GAA) in his last 4 games played in (GPI)--including his relief of Crawford on December 5th against the Coyotes.

Crawford, 26, was pulled 2 times in a span of one week (Nov 29th-Dec 5th) which paved the way for Emery to take over the reigns as crease king. Corey has put together a 12-7-2 record with a second-rate .896 SV% and a level 3.00 GAA this year.

I can't quite put my finger on the struggles that Crawford has seen this year, but I do think that part of it has to do with the way the team has played in front of him. Of course, not all the blame lies on them but the difference was night and day after he was pulled in favor of Ray Emery against the Coyotes.

The team seems to be too comfortable with Corey in net when performing an eye test, but when looking deeper into the statistics the team has pretty much allowed the same amount of shots for Crawford to stop (roughly 27 shots against on average) when comparing the team to last year--the difference comes into play when you look at the quality of chances coupled with the fact that, plain and simple, Crawford has let in some really soft goals this year.

Now we've come to this point. Ray Emery will start against the top team in the Western Conference: the Minnesota Wild, making this his 5th appearance in a row and 4th start in 5 games. Has he knocked Corey out of the crease?

Of course not. Not yet at least, just consider this start as an important test for Emery.

Joel Quenneville has always had competition at the goaltending position every year he has been in this organization. That's just the way Joel works his hand and his ability to recognize and ride the hot goaltender is really a strong advantage for the Blackhawks.

Huet and Khabibulin had their moments sharing the net when Quenneville took over for Denis Savard after 4 games into the season. The following year Huet was intended to be the #1 until rookie Antti Niemi stole the spotlight and rode his glory all the way to the Cup. Last year, Turco was signed and Crawford was given an opportunity, another rookie, making the most of it and forcing Joel to ride him for the year. No doubt, Joel gives both goaltenders an opportunity to succeed no matter what "label" the media gives them. I believe he will continue the same trend and give Emery an opportunity to prove himself throughout the year.

I will admit, this year was the first year that I did not expect much competition in the Blackhawks net. Corey Crawford simply was suppose to be that guy, but this slump (and really, that's all it is) has me wondering one last question: Can Ray Emery be the guy Joel rides into the playoffs the last 15 games of the season?

Last year Ray Emery uprooted Dan Ellis on the Ducks on their ride to the playoffs before fizzling out in 7 games to the Nashville Predators. In 2007, Emery played an important role in leading the Senators to their first Stanley Cup Finals berth.

He has been there before, he knows what it takes to win and if Corey can't respond with his opportunities then I do believe that Emery could be the guy that Quenneville relies on if he can continue to perform at a high level.

That said, it's possible--but I just can't see it happening. Crawford is an elite competitor in my eyes. He knows how to make the most of the smallest opportunities otherwise he would have never made it this far being in the Blackhawks organization stuck behind countless goaltenders for many years. There will be a battle until the end of the year, that I am sure of, but when it's all said and done I think Crawford will figure it out and emerge as the protector.

Bottom line: Don't put that #50 sweater away yet, it's just the beginning of another long goaltending battle.

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Fire Quenneville
Oct 31, 2014
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He has not been the same since he sat out with the injury early in the season. He started the season lights out, and since he missed practice because of nursing an injury, he hasn't been the same....

Let him get 100%. Emery has been more than acceptable.


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May 17, 2010
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Gothenburg, Sweden
As it is NOW Emery is by far the better goalie so I see no problems playing him. For the long run there is no doubt Craw is our guy, just a bit of for the moment. And if it is as Pez posted that he isnt 100% healty im glad we, for now, have a solid back up.

Go Emery, Go Crawford and GO HAWKS!


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Good point Pez, I forgot about that.

He did have a nice start to the year though, I think he'll get back on track at some point... but if Emery keeps playing like this there is going to be another goalie controversy on our hands.

Not saying Emery will keep it up all year but his SV% and GAA is elite the past 4 games.

Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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Good point Pez, I forgot about that.

He did have a nice start to the year though, I think he'll get back on track at some point... but if Emery keeps playing like this there is going to be another goalie controversy on our hands.

Not saying Emery will keep it up all year but his SV% and GAA is elite the past 4 games.


Starts: 4

Minutes: 228:48

Goals Against: 6

Shots Against: 106

Saves: 100

SV%: .943

Wouldn't it be some shit if for the 3rd straight season, our starting goalie becomes the backup by years end?


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL

Starts: 4

Minutes: 228:48

Goals Against: 6

Shots Against: 106

Saves: 100

SV%: .943

Wouldn't it be some shit if for the 3rd straight season, our starting goalie becomes the backup by years end?

No it would be fucking frustrating. It is the one position I like cemented. When we had Niemi, I thought he was our goalie for the next 10 years. Then Crow came along and thought he was going to be lights out for 10 years. Now we have Emery and all that is happening with him is he is playing his way into a starting job with another team next year since I dont see us resigning him and if he keeps this pace yeah he'll be starting for another club next year.


Ridiculum Anserini
Dec 6, 2014
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Out Back Chopping Trees
I think Stephane Waite is the problem. It seems that he's only able to help one guy at any given time. Sacre bleu!


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Jun 2, 2010
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While I agree that Emery has made the most of his chances and earned a right to play more games, in a contest where you're playing the (currently) top team n the conference, wouldn't you want to go w/ your main guy to see where you stack up and how he does in Big games? Just food for thought/discussion


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
While I agree that Emery has made the most of his chances and earned a right to play more games, in a contest where you're playing the (currently) top team n the conference, wouldn't you want to go w/ your main guy to see where you stack up and how he does in Big games? Just food for thought/discussion

I dunno that's gambling with points. I say ride the hot hand until it cools


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Jun 2, 2010
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I dunno that's gambling with points. I say ride the hot hand until it cools

I don't necessarily disagree, but for conversations sake, what comes up must come down..after all, Emery's a back up for a reason. Wouldn't it be beneficial to see where Crawford stacks up against the top dog in the WC? Obviously Q knows more than I, but just interesting to talk about on this fine Wed afternoon


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I don't necessarily disagree, but for conversations sake, what comes up must come down..after all, Emery's a back up for a reason. Wouldn't it be beneficial to see where Crawford stacks up against the top dog in the WC? Obviously Q knows more than I, but just interesting to talk about on this fine Wed afternoon
I'm not sure, I think you want to see where the team stacks up, and to do that you put your best foot forward. And right now that's Emery. If Crawford really is still working on getting 100% there is no reason to put him out there as a gauge against the other team if you know it's not a fair gauge because he's not at 100%.

Is your signature Homer Simpson?


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I don't necessarily disagree, but for conversations sake, what comes up must come down..after all, Emery's a back up for a reason. Wouldn't it be beneficial to see where Crawford stacks up against the top dog in the WC? Obviously Q knows more than I, but just interesting to talk about on this fine Wed afternoon

First you are incredible wrong, Q doesn't know dick. As for Emery, Emery has shown brilliance before, he's been hit with a major injury that he wasn't supposed to come back from, he's struggled with consistency. But if Emery finds consistency he can be a lights out goalie. I promise you, wherever he lands next year he will either be in the running for #1 or be the #1 from the word go.


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Jun 2, 2010
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Mass: yeah no doubt if Crawford is indeed nursing an injury still then yeah I def. hear what you're saying--and yes it's Homer, right before he had the robotic Richard Simmons released on him

Supra. I respectfully disagree with Emery being a Legit #1 anymore. Yes, he backstopped OTT to a final 5 +years ago, but since his hip got wonkey (ala Bo Jackson) I don't think he's ever really been considered a serious #1 threat be it in Philly competing w/ Leighton, Boucher, etc.., Anaheim, although they have a top notch keeper in Hiller. I see what you're saying that he may have the actual ability/know how to be there, but unfortunately that hip isn't going to get any better--that being said I was/am all for him being here in the roll he's in and if he can keep winning us games, then he deserves every opportunity to get back to that spot, I just don't see that realistically happening, although I wish him the best

As for tonight. Like i said initially I don't disagree w/ Emery getting the go..he's earned it, just figured it could be an interesting debate regarding philosophy of game approach--by no means trying to discount Emery


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
First you are incredible wrong, Q doesn't know dick. As for Emery, Emery has shown brilliance before, he's been hit with a major injury that he wasn't supposed to come back from, he's struggled with consistency. But if Emery finds consistency he can be a lights out goalie. I promise you, wherever he lands next year he will either be in the running for #1 or be the #1 from the word go.

While many of Q's decisions are mind boggling and very frustrating to watch I find your lack of faith disturbing. Remember what this team has accomplished with him at the helm and where we stand right now even though we have not been playing like we should.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
While many of Q's decisions are mind boggling and very frustrating to watch I find your lack of faith disturbing. Remember what this team has accomplished with him at the helm and where we stand right now even though we have not been playing like we should.

And i remember that that magical year a monkey could have coached them to the cup so I dont heap accolades on Lieutenant Line Change


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May 15, 2010
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Quad Sillies
This all reminds me of how the team played with less confidence in front of Huet...


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
I don't necessarily disagree, but for conversations sake, what comes up must come down..after all, Emery's a back up for a reason. Wouldn't it be beneficial to see where Crawford stacks up against the top dog in the WC? Obviously Q knows more than I, but just interesting to talk about on this fine Wed afternoon

That's a great point zep. I would like to see where Crawford stands against the Wild but Q is really impatient when it comes to goaltenders. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, who knows... but in all the years Q has coached here, no goaltender was ever labeled #1 until the final games of the season.

Crawford will get his chance to be back in there, after today we still have three more games against Minnesota.


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May 14, 2010
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I'm just not sure I understand the argument honestly. It's a team game and Corey could just as easily go in there and get blasted with 4 goals and people would say well the D-fense sucked so none of those were bad goals.... or man he sucked those were all bad goals. I don't get how you can see how a goalie stacks up against an opposing team in one game? You'd need at least a series other wise it's how the hawks stack up against the wild and even then I think you need a few games because of the outside circumstances like the wild playing the second night in a row and having a major injury last night. If the injury only keeps him out a game or two I still don't think you can compare the teams the next time around based on the previous game. In the NHL anyone can beat anyone on any given night and to try to stack up and compare teams based on one game just doesn't seem to work, you have to take the season as a whole and the competition as a whole that sort of thing.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
I think the point is, if Corey is the guy... let him see a team that we may have to face in the playoffs as much as he possibly can in order to get experience against them and learn their tendencies.

My point is Q doesn't have a "guy" right now, while it very well may be Crawford, I don't think he is counting out the possibility of Emery and that's why he's getting this opportunity over Corey.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Meh, I just dont' worry about other teams, worry about my own. This teams still needs a lot of work on enough things to not have to play the match up game with half a season to go. I'll put the odds of them making the playoffs at a good... what 60/40... then the odds of them being matched with the hawks at some point are obviously pretty low from there. Especially considering the hawks could possibly not make the playoffs as well, low as that is. so there would have to be a lot of things align correctly for that to happen. And for a coach who can't even settle on fucking line combinations, hurting his head organ trying to do the calculations to thing that far ahead is just not what I want him focusing on. At this point it's one game at a time for me with Q. I trust him to get this team there, but fuck shit cock bitch he pisses me off with his combinations. Especially considering they mean jack shit after the puck drop.
