I would rather trust Paxson and Forman's judgment as much as I can. The popular pick isn't always the right pick. I am not depressed because this is a sucky draft anyway. If Blair didn't go until the seventh pick in the second round, there obviously was something wrong. I don't think he is what we need anyway. We need constants not variables, I am happy with the players they got, and I am hoping for the best. I am definitely not going to hate a player because the chose him.
And here is a list for you
except for possibly hakim warrick and randy foye (who are both young) every single big east player of the year has gone on to be pretty good in the nba.
Billy Owens, Terry Dehere, Walter Berry, Reggie Williams, Pat Garrity, Tim James, Troy Bell....yeah, you're right.
That would have been a dumb reason to draft him anyway, they used to say the same thing about Big Ten Player of the Year. It is best to judge based on the talent you see and not accolades.