Probably the #1 reason it isn't covered as much. The Japanese were a good villain as well, but just didn't do as much as the Nazis. Even playing video games, every WWII video game that is based on Europe always seemed a lot better than any Pacific Theater game. Band of Brothers is leagues better than The Pacific.
I recently started reading up more on WWI, I had initial interest in high school and got down the basics of it. We actually covered it extensively in my freshmen years social studies classes (which combined with a Literature class) as we read All Quiet on the Western Front.
But WWI is not that exciting of a war to cover in media as it was essentially a 3 year stalemate until the Russian Empire collapsed and European citizens grew tire of war and turned on many of the Triple Entente governments. Of course Americans will tell you they turned the tide of the war, but eh, not really.. The British and French were finally making progress, Italy switched sides and the Ottomon Empire was collapsing. But they were fighting an outdated model of warfare and they essentially sat in trenches for months or even years. Other than telling the horrific story of wars, there really is not much of a narrative to that. You do have the story of all the technological advances and how airplanes were really featured, but it just doesn't carry the same narrative that World War II has.