AMD GPU and upgrade question


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
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Aren't you on some kind of tech-free walkabout?


Three if by air
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Not a whole lot is expected.

Vega 11 cards are the only thing, but miners *might* snatch those up also resulting in distorted prices.

You are in the same boat as a lot of users. The 360 is an optimized 7790 from 2013 and other itterations of the card since its release. Also the GPU cores used for the XBO and PS4. So it has been treated better than others, as far as being one of the most futureproof cards ever from any manufacturer. Xbox Scorpio is using Vega, so if you expect the same improvements over time, that's the closest thing to wait on a Vega 11 and hope nothing changes, otherwise nVidia is going to be your best bet for power:price:performance. Yes, this has been one of those rare eras where nVidia is consistently less expensive than AMD/ATi for almost all of the things.

I have a 7850 system in a similar situation. Just want a full performance upgrade, but also needing to use less power. It's amazing how this specific card is rated at 130w(and realistically only draws 60-80ish) that cost $170 has been hard to replace for 4+ years. Even now, nothing for under $250 is a full upgrade. The 7700 through 7870s have been a great class of cards.

Also want to continue on the point of saving money on power. Just because a card is rated at a certain TDP doesn't mean that is the power draw. Some cards are rated at 200w TDP, but do every day non-intensive usage under 40w. Electricity is not that simple to where you can design a card to run at such low and highs, so that is more rare, but something to factor in.

Also, nVidia is releasing volta, so what would be the 1100 series, Q1 next year. So between Vega 11 and Volta, I'd hope something is worth waiting for. New card better performance or older card better price. Regardless of what team you root for and all of that nonsense.


Three if by air
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The 1060 is the most used card in the world for gaming right now. So I expect nVidia to give it some love as the years pass. If you don't want to buy a 1060(because it's just out of a reasonable price range), I suggest you do wait it out. The R560 is the closest thing from AMD, but it's IMO disappointing.

And you guys should know. I'm going to give it to you straight. I prefer AMD over nVidia, just because I take issue with shady shit they do behind the scenes. But right now, nVidia makes the better card in most price and power segments.


The 1060 is the most used card in the world for gaming right now. So I expect nVidia to give it some love as the years pass. If you don't want to buy a 1060(because it's just out of a reasonable price range), I suggest you do wait it out. The R560 is the closest thing from AMD, but it's IMO disappointing.

And you guys should know. I'm going to give it to you straight. I prefer AMD over nVidia, just because I take issue with shady shit they do behind the scenes. But right now, nVidia makes the better card in most price and power segments.

ill just wait until i see how much im going to charge this woman to do what she wants. i found a deal in aus for a 3gb 1060 for 278 shipping included. i dont want to sale the r7 360 but if i end up with that 1060 for around 200 then okay i guess. or i may just wait for another tech sale on ebay, i just missed out on one.. generally they are up to 20% off so i could get one around 240. wish i knew i wanted a new gpu two weeks ago. owell, guess ill have to wait around til xmas for those local tech stores to show back up dishing out deals..

thanks for the input


i wish their was more documentation about crossfiring the r7 360. i cant seem to find the info im looking for. such as how much power draw is actually going on.. heat etc.

i see used ones come and go on ebay.. between 50 - 100 aud. one is currently at 80 bucks but will accept best offer. since he has 8 of them, im sure hed take 65-70.

to be a guinea pig or not to be..


the set up does works.. but its painful..... the pain im having is from noise

i had to get trixx so the cards would sync properly. prior to installing trixx, i was having issues with radeon settings, it refused to open and run. my puter recognized both cards but crimson was being a bitch..., after installing trixx and clicking the sync card box... it solved that issue with amd settings..

fps jumps are nice.. fallout 4 1080 p 60 fps vs about 40 ish with a single card..
witcher 3 jumped to 50-60 fps custom settings too.. up from 30s..

thats undervolting and underclocking the cards.

con.. my damn pc sounds like a fucking jet engine.. so annoying.. i think i may need to add new thermal paste to this used card i just got.. it runs hot by itself.. together the temps are hitting 90 c with fans crankin at 100%..

sucks how my mobo is set up... the two 16x pci slots basically put the cards right on top of one another..there isnt any space between the two.. if they were single width cards it would probably help a few c. the mobo was probably designed for two single width quadro cards back in the day..

idk if i want to deal with the noise level.

still undecided how long i will keep it.... i will use it while i have it though..


messed with shadow of modor real quick on 1080p..

was hitting low 40-60 fps on preset ultra.. on high it was about the same but high 40s - mid 60sh

but again 95 c and a jet engine ready for take off.. thats with the case open and a room temp of 21.2 c

i was watching a youtube vid of someone with a 1050 ti running ultra custom and getting about 40 ish on avg

if i could get the temps down 10-15 c and control the noise.. this would be worth it and acceptable. but IFS..

will order some new thermal paste but i dont think thatll help much.. the cards are too close together.. a board with more pci slots that are further apart and a case with better airflow.. this wouldnt be a bad cheap set up..


well i had to inspect further because i do like the nice gains for dirt cheap.

temp was going crazy even running an older game like skyrim. new used card was 20-40 degrees higher in temp. my original r7 was sitting at 55 c while the new one was shooting up into the 90s..

took the bitch apart and its dry and crusty as i suspected. of course i dont have any paste on hand.

so, gotta import some in via da webs, i ain't driving 45 minutes each way for some. hopefully that'll improve it enough.. as long as im in the 70s c range id be cool with that.. once i hit 80 c fan goes jet turbine and temp starts stacking fairly quick.

did more testing.. idk if trixx was the key but afterburner works fine too. its just that ab causes issues with games such as wither 3 and fallout 4 for me for some reason. however likei had said before installing trixx.. raedon settings wasnt working even with ab on board...

may also need to do a reg edit to make sure clocks arent resetting to default once i get the temps under control


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Just a side note.... but thermal paste is one of those things you rarely ever need, it lays around for ages.... might get thrown away by accident.... then you need it and ur fucked.

And it is not readily available AFAIK at any major retailers.... I used to have a Tiger Direct/Comp USA by me where I could get stuff, but they shut down.


Just a side note.... but thermal paste is one of those things you rarely ever need, it lays around for ages.... might get thrown away by accident.... then you need it and ur fucked.

And it is not readily available AFAIK at any major retailers.... I used to have a Tiger Direct/Comp USA by me where I could get stuff, but they shut down.

heard that. had some at our old place but threw it away during the move because i had it forever. i ordered some, so hopefully i get it by friday or ill have to wait til monday for that extra boost of power.

fuck i forgot theres a computer shop in town.. owell, i dont like that store anyway.. overpriced rurals..dey gotz to make a living though i guess.. oh fuck i just remembered theres a repair shop too.. owell.. aint driving 15 minutes to town mane.. beats 45 minutes to da ova town and da good shop though..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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heard that. had some at our old place but threw it away during the move because i had it forever. i ordered some, so hopefully i get it by friday or ill have to wait til monday for that extra boost of power.

fuck i forgot theres a computer shop in town.. owell, i dont like that store anyway.. overpriced rurals..dey gotz to make a living though i guess.. oh fuck i just remembered theres a repair shop too.. owell.. aint driving 15 minutes to town mane.. beats 45 minutes to da ova town and da good shop though..

Do you have any stores like Fry's or TigerDirect or CompUSA out there?


Three if by air
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You have TWO cards. Just take one out, order a tube and wait.

I have some tricks that I use, but those are very conditional. Do you have any mineral oil? A drop on the dry compound, yes, just a drop, very small amount, use it to re-wet and resurface the spread. Most baby oils are 99.5% mineral oil. Of course, this is just a temporary solution. Toothpaste will dry in a day and make things worse, don't do it.

I buy AS5 and MX4 in bulk, but I also go through it. It's hard for me to imagine a builder without thermal compound in 2017. Also, Best Buy does sell thermal compound, so do some hardware stores, but those can be corrosive to the silicon (DO NOT USE without knowing the exact metallurgy).


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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You have TWO cards. Just take one out, order a tube and wait.

I have some tricks that I use, but those are very conditional. Do you have any mineral oil? A drop on the dry compound, yes, just a drop, very small amount, use it to re-wet and resurface the spread. Most baby oils are 99.5% mineral oil. Of course, this is just a temporary solution. Toothpaste will dry in a day and make things worse, don't do it.

I buy AS5 and MX4 in bulk, but I also go through it. It's hard for me to imagine a builder without thermal compound in 2017. Also, Best Buy does sell thermal compound, so do some hardware stores, but those can be corrosive to the silicon (DO NOT USE without knowing the exact metallurgy).

Best Buy prolly charges you 20$ for a 3$ tube of thermal paste and it is probably shitty paste.... that being said I don't recall them carrying it 10+ years ago when I needed it in a pinch.


You have TWO cards. Just take one out, order a tube and wait.

I have some tricks that I use, but those are very conditional. Do you have any mineral oil? A drop on the dry compound, yes, just a drop, very small amount, use it to re-wet and resurface the spread. Most baby oils are 99.5% mineral oil. Of course, this is just a temporary solution. Toothpaste will dry in a day and make things worse, don't do it.

I buy AS5 and MX4 in bulk, but I also go through it. It's hard for me to imagine a builder without thermal compound in 2017. Also, Best Buy does sell thermal compound, so do some hardware stores, but those can be corrosive to the silicon (DO NOT USE without knowing the exact metallurgy).

no best buys in aus. yeah im using my one r7.. just have to wait to exp those gains i got to taste is all.

i see some hassles of crossfire firsthand now.. im sure ill run into more. i can see why ppl suggest just buying a better single card in most cases. however i bought a r7 360 for 60, im sure thats what ill get for mine on a meh day. combined, thats still 80 dollars less than a 1050 ti and roughly as powerful. but it does consumes 2-3 times more power and the heat is real.

once i get the used r7 back to health ill play with the set up for awhile and then ill probably sell them after the new year.. would be cool if i could wait it out until april/may next year during eofy sales in aus.

but who knows.. im impulsive at times.. if i see a 1050 ti or 1060 xmas sale.. i will probably grab one


Do you have any stores like Fry's or TigerDirect or CompUSA out there?

not that im aware of. there are some larger computer stores in the city, but no chains that im familiar with that are on par with something like frys. i miss da and pop stores are actually still alive in aus. i use to frequent the asian tech shops in sydney but i havent been in the city just fucking around for 3-4 yrs .


well fuck.. new compound didnt fix the issue, though it fixed a issue.

card is running cool by itself now (idle is 37c, full load is 70c ish in this case, its a lil lower with the case open), but the same problem when crossfired in this case on on this board.. hot and loud. temps have gone down from the initial tests when xfired but im still hitting high 80s which causes the fan to go full on. if i custom the fan not to go full on, heat will start stacking to that 90 range. it stays stable and doesnt get any hotter. before it was reaching 95-99 before i shut it down.

could i run it a 85c-95c.. i guess so, but do i want to.. nah..

since its stable as a solo card now, i feel comfortable reselling it...

i really want a low tdp card thats quiet.. the r7s by themselves arent bad at all.. just want a boost..

well me xfire experience was a short venture.. i wouldnt rule it out in the future.. would just need a board that spreads the cards out more and a custom case with plenty of airflow.. perhaps even custom cooling on the gpus.. but all that defeats the purpose of being a scab..


Three if by air
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Running multiple GPUs is a headache period... Unless you design the system from the get go.

The way I do it has always been with a PCIe riser(shielded or you're going to have random issues as well). And I never ... NEVER would use an OEM HP/Dell or whatever steel/plastic case for an SLI/XF build.
