Any chemists here? DIY Electrolyte Powder


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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too sweet here. they dont carry g2 lines here. nor does powerade have its zero line here. grape powerade zero and g2 rain berry were me go to drinks in murica premixed. or id buy boxes of grape propel zero carb/zero sugar.

i could get me sis to send me boxes and boxes of propel, but when you include shipping it becomes meh value wise. rather than pay shipping, she sends me kid cash for presents.

i can get some zero carb, zero sugar dissolvable tablets from UK. its about 50 bucks for 200 tablets which makes 100 litres worth + 9.99 shipping. which isnt bad when you factor in aussie costs of shit. i plan on drinking a litre of the stuff a day. at the same time, i could by a bunch of raw powders for way less and net way more liquid. i just need to figure out a recipe..

Might be cheaper to ship a powder mix.


Xuder O'Clam

CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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Auusie, don't they sell Pocari Sweat, or Super Supau there?


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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thanks! i may look into that recipe, but is glucose anhydrous really required in such a mix?

i guess i'm going have to studying up on electrolytes, because i don't know shit about that.

Profits? Initially there wasn't any monetary goals in mind, just physical profits. BUT, now that you guys mention it...........there could possibly be an opportunity to push something like this in the future if i do lose 100+ pounds and claim it was part of me dietary program. If i hit me goals, im definitely going to try and monetize my success in whatever ways i can. without being shady about it though. Im not going to pitch any shady weight loss pill that could damage people.

The wife has a compounding chemist (pharmacist). We are kind of on a first name basis, but i wouldn't feel comfortable just showing up asking about this and that out of the blue. If i had 75-100 pound results already, id probably feel more comfortable then. Id probably ask him to clean up such formula and to enter some sort of partnership to produce a zero sugar, zero cal electrolyte drink and an electrolyte protein drink.. I do know this guy has connections to professional rugby clubs and other various types of rich people with plenty to waste on such an endeavor.

I believe that the reason there is glucose in there is because it increases the absorption of the salts. I think I read that somewhere. I have used those packets while working in the field in extreme heat (like the Tanami Desert in Oz). Drinking gallons of water all day without salts can give you hyponatremia, which has the same symptoms as dehydration, even though you are hydrated. So I would drink one of those packets when feeling depleted. I have also used them for hangovers too.

I was just joking about the profit thing. That rugby connection could certainly help in you were going that direction. Do your research though. As you said, can't risk causing more damage because of unintended side effects. I also threw the geochemist thing in there as a joke. I know geochemistry of rocks, but not biological chemistry.


Auusie, don't they sell Pocari Sweat, or Super Supau there?

a couple of asian shops carry pocari, but they dont sell the sachets.. 1.5 litre costs 6.50. i can order packets online, but costs doesnt make sense there either.

gatorade is overpriced as **** in aus.. 4 bucks for 500ml??? they recently lowered the 1 litres to 2.50 though... but once again, too sweet, too much sugar..

there are some zero carb/zero suga powders you can get on the aussie market but cost it outrageous. 20 packets for 20-25 dollars that net 10 litres. no thanks

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Seems like a lot to do for nothing. Just drink some mineral water, take your vitamins and say your prayers. You be good to go, ol' fella.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Potassium Hydroxide tends to work well and is the staple electrolyte in your typical alkaline battery--it tends to work better than Zinc Chloride and Ammonium Chloride. Lithium Percholrate tends to have higher energy densities, but is usually dissolved in an organic solvent.

Or, if you can deal with a liquid electrolyte, you can't beat good old sulfuric acid used in your standard lead-acid battery--that one is tried and true and used in cars everywhere. :D


oz be hacking me too.. local store just started carrying powerade zero.. wtf is dat shit..
