Anyone expect Fields to fail like every other Bears QB?


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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For everyone's viewing pleasure

I still believe Trubisky will be a top 10 qb by years end. I believe he will be our qb for 15 more years. I always thought it would take more time to get Mitch up to speed compared to other qbs we could have drafted. I may be alone on my island but I want it made clear that I still 100 pct believe in Trubisky.
"15 more years"

This guy watched Trubisky play QB at the pro level and thought that was a 15+ year starter. Imagine watching football and this is your thoughts on a QB that bad. Wow

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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I'm glad to take another swing at QB but I'm not real confident this will work out any different then it always does. I never thought much of Fields as a QB, he is a great athlete tho. Mobile QBs scare me. They are always hurt and miss more games then they play. Yes they are effective but have very short life spans in the NFL. I'll admit my hate for all things OSU and I hope that hate has blinded me. But I seen nothing from Fields that makes me think he will be a franchise QB. I would love to be wrong but I also believe even if I am wrong I'll still be right because Nagy will put this kid in a no win situation. Bad play calling and silly predictable play calling will give Fields a harder road to hoe then most any other QB drafted. We wont run to help this kid, we won't scheme to help this young man. We will throw him to the wolves and break his confidence fast.
Now feel free to bash me for not believing what you believe but history is on my side.
You’re an idiot.

JesusHalasChrist it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
May 18, 2014
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CCS Donator
Sep 26, 2014
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Palos Hills, IL
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No. Now I will tell you why.

1. Mitch was drafted by Pace and scout team. At the time John Fox was HC, Dowell Loggians (aka the Hobbit) was OC, and Dave Ragone was QB coach. Fox was hands off on offense. The Hobbit was a bad OC and Ragone was a bad QB coach. The offensive coaches should've ask Mitch questions about plays, reads, progressions, etc. If these coaches did their job correctly, would've known the Mitch was a dumbfuck who can't read defense nor can go through correct progressions. They would've told Pace and scouting that this guy had nothing in his head. Of course we saw that the coaches and Pace thought that Glennon was a viable option.

2. Nagy saw how to pick a good QB from draft through his experience at KC. Also his offensive coaching (Flip and Lazor) are experience and really good at their jobs. No matter what people say Dalton was the FA QB on the market (Ewww. I know). Nagy, Pace, and crew were in agreement.

3. The coaching staff, Pace, and scouting did their due diligence and worked together. They all agreed that Fields was their man. Not like in 2017 where there was a rift between coaches and scouting dept. Heck I think there were fans telling them as well to get Fields as well. Everybody in Chicago agreed with the pick and move up.


Sep 27, 2010
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I will never lose faith that the Bears can manage to screw up any and every QB chance they get.
That said, it does seem they're not making it so blatant this time and they're actually trying to get an offense that works.

I will believe when Pace signs a high end WR and then re-signs him (paying some bum high dollar won't count, that will be screwing the situation up).

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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I will never lose faith that the Bears can manage to screw up any and every QB chance they get.
That said, it does seem they're not making it so blatant this time and they're actually trying to get an offense that works.

I will believe when Pace signs a high end WR and then re-signs him (paying some bum high dollar won't count, that will be screwing the situation up).
Yeah I can doubt the coaching staff and organization, but everything else @Noonthirtyjoe said was pretty ignorant. How you could watch him play and not see what could make him successful means you either weren't watching or are blind


Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah I can doubt the coaching staff and organization, but everything else @Noonthirtyjoe said was pretty ignorant. How you could watch him play and not see what could make him successful means you either weren't watching or are blind

The more I think about the chances the Bears have had the more I think it goes way beyond back luck picking QBs.
I'm finding it harder and harder to pin it on the QBs, even those who had the slimmest chance.

But it does seem they're at least making an effort this time. And unlike Trestman we're already beyond year 2 where he lost the handholding team's respect and at the start of the QB career.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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The more I think about the chances the Bears have had the more I think it goes way beyond back luck picking QBs.
I'm finding it harder and harder to pin it on the QBs, even those who had the slimmest chance.

But it does seem they're at least making an effort this time. And unlike Trestman we're already beyond year 2 where he lost the handholding team's respect and at the start of the QB career.

the reason the bears never have a good QB is because they barely try. One big swing per decade or so is fucking pathetic

its been herp derp defense run the ball here forever
