Pardon me for asking, but wtf is a wet throat? Lol. Your throat is naturally lubricated.
There's a symptom called dry cough vs wet cough.. If you had a wet cough, you don't have the coronavirus. Wet cough means you're coughing up mucus, dry cough, you're not. The coronvirus dry cough also feels more so from your lungs than throat/chest, atleast from what I'm told.
But yeah I'm not sure on this wet throat if that's what he's getting at or not.
I myself am just getting over a cold that at first I thought "well this may be it, I got corona" started with post nasal drip, then i had congestion with a dry cough, Friday it turned to a more wet cough, Saturday a runny nose hit me and Sunday & Monday I was sneezing constantly. Safe to say at that point I knew it wasn't Coronavirus. So, just a cold. Never had a fever either.