Not going to lie I was so bummed that the family tree wasn't a buggy mess. The endless bitching on the Total War forums about it being missing was just dumb. People gave that gave a 1.0 on metacritic solely because it didnt have a family tree.
I admit the politics of rome 2 are awful and utterly pointless I'll agree to that, but Total War games have never been strong on that front, you want to play the diplomacy/intrigue game play Crusader Kings 2. For me Total Wars games are about the battles and Rome II had fun battles, especially after Emperor Edition. As for the campaigns outside of Napoleon and Attila the campaigns always consisted of conquering everyone.
To each their own I suppose.... I love the Total War series, but the game can lack depth and personality at times.... with Atilla you get a faction leader and a family of people.... sons who become generals and whatnot.... so rinse and repeat battles that used to be tiresome now have more meaning if you care about the army and whom is leading it.
I felt like Atilla still had all the fun battles, but the campaign faction politics and family tree stuff gave it more life.
Lol they still need to fix diplomacy doe....
"Listen man my son just needs a wife.... you have 4 daughters and you are poor, I will give you 10,000 for her...."
"Ok cool"
"Oh and I want a trade agreement"
"How about 20,000 just for a trade agreement"
"NO **** OFF NO"
"30,000? Cmon das like 10 times your entire treasury.... you even make more off the trade agreement than I do"
"Ok.... bye then"
*Next turn.... same guy opens diplomacy with you
"Hey bruh how about a trade agreement and I pay you 1000 for it"
"You what? I mean.... sure.... but... last turn you were like... wut?"