if some other creatures come to earth we are going to be fucked.
I don't think so, and I really think authors, Hollywood directors and people in general are really missing the point when they talk/think/write about hostile aliens visiting Earth.
I mean, think about it: we (humans) are a very primitive, war-like species, and where has that gotten us in the space exploration game? Sure, we've sent some of our people to the moon (363K kilometers at its closest point), but that's merely six one-
thousandths of the distance to Mars (at its
closest point), and at that distance we've only been able to send a few bolt-buckets. Fantastic. So, with our war-like tendencies (even though we are still very early on in the evolutionary game), we barely have the technology to walk to the end of one block and back in our own solar system after, what, a couple
thousand years of existence?
What's more, the technology needed to make inter-stellar travel even
thinkable is so far away from us it's humorous. Some kind of space-warping propulsion system would be necessary (even traveling at light-speed would take
way too long outside of the nearest star systems), and we can't even agree on the
math that postulates its feasibility. Then we need to discover how to power such a propulsion system (nuclear energy isn't going to cut it, and we are just starting to figure out matter-antimatter collisions), figure out how to counteract the tissue degeneration humans go through in a zero-g environment (can we harness gravitons to create an Earth gravity analogue, or can we make centripetal exercise equipment work for the long-haul?), design and build the ships (who's paying for that? Certainly such an endeavor would wreck the world economy in its current configuration) and on and on and on with the things we can barely comprehend at our stage.
So, to do all of that and actually somewhat-master inter-stellar or inter-galactic travel, I'm positive that any species actually
doing that stuff would have abandoned most (if not all) forms of armed conflict long before they were even capable of beginning the long road to that end. And murder, genocide, slavery and war would all be extremely primitive practices to them, and viewing us as a species would inspire "you guys still
do that stuff?" kind of reactions.
Obviously I could go on and on about this subject (if anyone is intrigued, though I doubt it, I'd be happy to), but this post hits the high notes pretty well.