So, stupid question... with the stagnate cap growth, doesn't adding new teams also provide cap growth in a sense? I mean, if it only goes up say 1 mil. but you add a team like Vegas, then doesn't that effectively also add to the overall pool of money as well. So the cap is to make teams manage realistically say how many players can be a 10M a year player. But if you add another team, then that team can also add a high priced player so another contract is born. You add seattle and now you're adding more to the cap essentially, just not on a single team. If you don't move the cap up at all, but you add 2 teams, their is still a bigger pool of overall money so the average salary of players can go up. They just won't all be on the same team anymore because it will be redistributed, you add 2 teams and it's even more? Maybe the league can't support that many teams, but couldn't you add a team in lieu of raising the cap and try to keep some of the financial integrity of the league that way?