Matt Pickens- in a youth tournament I played in, he was sighing autographs
Derrick Rose- some alumni from my school with serious connections took our whole soccer team downtown in a limo and we met Derrick rose then went to dinner (but not with him he had places to be)
Brian Urlacher- anyone ever been to Bob Chinns Restauraunt? Really great seafood place. Ranked like 4th best in the USA, well my family went there like 3 years ago when our relatives from Ireland came in and Urlacher was two tables over with a bunch of family I think, we waved and he was really nice and came over to say hi and hi five my cousin who was wearing a bears shirt, really nice guy.
Calen Carr- last year I met him after a game and he signed my jersey and took a picture with me, if I can find where my mom hid it, I'll post it :tongue:
Wilman Conde- met him after the game when I met Carr, only got an autographed picture
Collins John- same as Conde, but is bastard stole our sharpie so I couldnt get more autos :fist:
Marco Pappa- high fives him but no auto thanks to Collins John
The Chicago Shamrox Team- after a game I went to like 4-5 years atom they let fans onto the field and I got everyone's autograph
Horst Mickeler- ( don't know if I spelled that right) he used to play soccer on the German national team and he also designed the US national teams current logo, I know him because he works out at Bally total fitness with my grandpa :lol:
Brian McBride- I did a charity 3-3 soccer tournament and the winners prize was an hour long training session with McBride and then Pizza party with him after....needless to say we won :yeah:
Toni Moeki- ( again not sure on spelling)tight end at Iowa and now the KC Chiefs he played high school football at the school where my uncle coaches basketball and he played basketball as a player on my uncles team so I've talked with him once or twice
Illinois Men's Basketbalk Team- I don't know what year because I was really young but Dee Brown was a Frosh at the time, I was at the airport to go to Florida with my grandparents and we walked right by the Illini team waiting to board there plane to go somewhere, high dived dee brown and said hi to some no name guy
Brandon Paul- he was a senior at Warren high school and I followed him big time and one night our football team played his in the state playoffs but I didn't go because family was in town, so I'm at Portillos and I go to get extra napkins and I see a guy in a Warren sweatshirt so I ask him if he knows the score and he turns around and it's freaking Brandon Paul

he was wearing a Warren basketball sweatshirt and was way taller than me:lol: