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ya, we only hard delete spam, soft deletes will show why it was deleted
You're a mod who baits, real cool. It has nothing to do with you being a Sox fan.
Ha, I have think enough skin. It just gets annoying when you make a thread just tell us how we have no shot at Pujols, like any of us thought we did anyway.
maybe i should have waited until a few posts to laugh. but at the same time, I was specifically laughing at the article and the subject of the article. I would laugh my ass off if there was an article stating that about the whitesox as well, and pretty much do the same thing.
my posts do not differ in the sox forum.
the members here who post ALOT are fine with me besides 1 guy,who doesnt like me. everyone else is fine.
if you think i am baiting, you are wrong as a whole. I am here to talk baseball. If it rubs you the wrong way there is nothing I can do about it, you have to just take me on my word. I dont know what else to tell ya
Honestly, I probably wouldn't have even cared if you posted that a couple posts down. Sorry, it just came off as baiting to me. From now on, I'll realize that's not your intention if I have a problem with one of your posts.
psd talk.... is every forum i go to going to be this? i got banned from there 3 years ago.. i would like to stop hearing about their shitty site
It comes up because alot of us came from there and know one another.
if you have a problem with one of my posts, just call me out on it right there. im ok with it.
just if you are going to post here, remember it is a little bit more relaxed, so you can voice your opinion.
the best way to handle someone baiting, we will use me for example is to quote me and say that im baiting etc and that you dont like it.
the worst way is to say...."shut up cocksucker" or something like that, not saying you did that, just using that as an example of how to not do it.
again, im not mad.
you cherry pick posts, and you and one other user have an issue with me. Everyone else here is fine with me. If you dont like it, you can march back to PSD where you advertise how this site "sucks monkey balls". this is NOT PSD where everything is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO strict, you need to have thick skin.
I really don't get why a few people have something against you Dews, you just state facts and give your opinion. It confuses the hell out of me.acman:
just a couple of people mis interpret what i am saying, its a message board in text format so it is hard to interpret what ones intentions are when posting. if i was a complete homer in the sox forum and i was doing this in here, it would be baiting, but i am the same way in the sox forum, i probably should have waited a bit though on the laughing at pujols coming here until people started posting. i looked at it and i can see where one can think it is baiting. really there is only one guy in here that doesnt like me, and i have tried numerous times to be nice, and still he takes it personal. it is the internet.
Dews, I can't find the link to my Castro banner anymore.